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Friday, March 21, 2008

lellow tic tac toe

Well, that's jack's new name. "LELLOW TIC TAC TOE".

Jack and I were talking about names and i asked him what his name was and he said "tic tac toe" and i told him that his name was jack and he said, "no, tic tac toe." and i said, "ok tic tac toe" and he then proceeded to tell me it was "lellow tic tac toe." (as in yellow the color) and then i asked if it was red or blue or green and he got real firm with me and stated that he was "lellow tic tac toe". so there ya have it, going to the courthouse to have his name changed. hahaha.

Jack is really into pretending lately. The pictures below are him pretending he is Mimi and he has her shoes and socks on. The socks looked so funny on him because they had that black heel part and they went so far up on his leg and stuck out and it looked like he had high heels on.

We have also been watching and playing a ton with Thomas the train. He liked him before but now we are almost obsessed. As well as with Diego and Bob the Builder. He is way into the trains because they have magnets on either side and he likes to put them together all in a row. He is great when we go out to dinner now because we just bring those along and it keeps him occupied for our whole time out. What a great invention....just don't get them if they are made in China!!! :-)

Next week is officially jack's last shot for RSV and I am very excited about that. Taking him into get a shot in each leg once a month is not fun when he is smart now. haha. i'm sure he will not qualify next year since we are extremely lucky that he did for this year. I think that's why he has been so healthy this winter. Only a few sniffles here and there and 3 year infections (better than last winter).

And speaking of ears, we have to go back there the middle of April. His left tube is out of place and his right one keeps getting goopy in it. Wish us luck that they will decide not to redo the left one and just let it go. On average he has been doing better so I hope that is the case.

Jack is doing a lot better in the eating department recently too. So a big HIP HIP HOORAY for that. He is constantly eating it seems like and actually trying new things. He is way into the color yellow so he likes to eat yellow things; corn and bananas and he even calls cereal yellow and rice. we got him to try mint chocolate chip ice cream the other day because we told him it was JT ice cream (john deere). worked. He usually won't take a bite of ice cream cuz it's brrrrr. And he likes yogurt because we have diego yogurt. it's amazing how all those characters have a purpose for something!!!!

Anyway, here are a few more pictures from recently and then some from back in the day of our peanut.... I love looking back to see how far he has come. He is AWESOME!!!!

(The picture of him climbing head first off the couch is 3.25.07 and the one with me feeding him a bottle is on 3.17.06 and that was his very first bottle he ever had. Remember March 16 was his actual duedate so he had his "2nd birthday" a few days ago...haha)

Sunday, March 2, 2008


HELLO everyone!!! It's that time of year again for Matt, Jack and I to start our fundraising for the March of Dimes. As many of you know, WE are the Ambassador Family for Allen County this year and it has really been an awesome experience. We have spoke on several occassions and told our story of Jack. It's been an emotional time but really awesome to get our story out there for a great cause.

I spoke in October at an event called Chef's Auction. That was probably about 400-500 people. For the auction Jack fingerpainted a canvas and the doctor that delivered him bought it for $625!!!!! The 2nd event that I spoke at was the Relators Luncheon. Then I spoke at Peg Perego's kickoff meeting. Peg Perego is a big contributor here in Fort Wayne. At that meeting, Jack recieved a battery operated tractor with trailer that he was very excited about. And last but not least, I spoke at the Allen County kickoff meeting. So we have been very busy. I am asking for all your help, donations, time, etc. to help the fight to save babies. That's the bottom line: HELP SAVE BABIES!
We are asking for any of several things.

1) Walkers for the March for Babies that will be happening in Fort Wayne on April 26 at 9am at Johnny Appleseed Park

2) Donations (big and small)

3) t-shirt buyers. We will again make t-shirts for our walking team "Jack's Joggers" We haven't had them designed yet so I am going to guesstimate that they will be about $10-15.

4) help me in the fundraising project. Anyone that is on our team that raises $125 or more will get incentive products. ie) $125 gets a t-shirt

5) garage sale: I will be having a garage sale at our house on April 10 and 11 (Friday and Saturday). 100% of the proceeds will go to the March of Dimes. We did this last year with a friend in Warsaw and made about $700-800. So either come and buy!!!! or donate items to be sold....OR BOTH!!!

So you can either email me back and let me know what you would like to do or what you wouldn't like to do or you can go to this website: and sign up to be on our team and have your own page to send out to others and get donations or you can go to that website and put a donation. Please email me with any questions or concerns you may have. The Walk is a really fun time. This year there will be many more things to do and there will be many things for children to do (face painting, clowns, big blow up jumpy things....)

Again, please email with any questions!!!

Thank you ahead of time for anything you can do to help save babies like JACK!!!!

Lindsay, Matt and Jack

p.s. Email our website for the March of Dimes to anyone you know that might want to donate to our cause.
p.s.s also if any of you are interested in fundraisint a tiny bit there are little things you can do at work
1) pay a dollar to wear jeans
2) bake sale
3) if you work retail, we have little squares that you sell for $X and hang them in your store. If any of you work in that area, let me know and I can talk to your manager or what have you!!!

okay, i'll stop now!! :-)