Jack is really into pretending lately. The pictures below are him pretending he is Mimi and he has her shoes and socks on. The socks looked so funny on him because they had that black heel part and they went so far up on his leg and stuck out and it looked like he had high heels on.

We have also been watching and playing a ton with Thomas the train. He liked him before but now we are almost obsessed. As well as with Diego and Bob the Builder. He is way into the trains because they have magnets on either side and he likes to put them together all in a row. He is great when we go out to dinner now because we just bring those along and it keeps him occupied for our whole time out. What a great invention....just don't get them if they are made in China!!! :-)
Next week is officially jack's last shot for RSV and I am very excited about that. Taking him into get a shot in each leg once a month is not fun when he is smart now. haha. i'm sure he will not qualify next year since we are extremely lucky that he did for this year. I think that's why he has been so healthy this winter. Only a few sniffles here and there and 3 year infections (better than last winter).
And speaking of ears, we have to go back there the middle of April. His left tube is out of place and his right one keeps getting goopy in it. Wish us luck that they will decide not to redo the left one and just let it go. On average he has been doing better so I hope that is the case.
Jack is doing a lot better in the eating department recently too. So a big HIP HIP HOORAY for that. He is constantly eating it seems like and actually trying new things. He is way into the color yellow so he likes to eat yellow things; corn and bananas and he even calls cereal yellow and rice. we got him to try mint chocolate chip ice cream the other day because we told him it was JT ice cream (john deere). hahaah...it worked. He usually won't take a bite of ice cream cuz it's brrrrr. And he likes yogurt because we have diego yogurt. it's amazing how all those characters have a purpose for something!!!!
Anyway, here are a few more pictures from recently and then some from back in the day of our peanut.... I love looking back to see how far he has come. He is AWESOME!!!!
(The picture of him climbing head first off the couch is 3.25.07 and the one with me feeding him a bottle is on 3.17.06 and that was his very first bottle he ever had. Remember March 16 was his actual duedate so he had his "2nd birthday" a few days ago...haha)