Our Journey thru Prematurity and Miracles
2 nights ago Jack did good sleeping in his bed all night so the next day after work he was supposed to get a prize at the store. So we go, he was terrible. He was throwing fits left and right and screaming and whining and carrying on. Anyway, after we get what we need to go to my parents house. He was terrible there. My mom gets this little book out that happens to be my prayer book from 3rd grade of something. Cool thing about it, it says my name on the inside and the date happens to be 11.28 (jack's birthday). So my mom is making up there prayers: "Dear Lord, please help Jack be a good boy and not be mean to his mommy and daddy and be nice....." yadda yadda yadda. All of a sudden Jack says:
"My daddy spank-a my butt OH LORD AMEN!!!"
hey everyone!! just wanted to jump on here and give you an update on our little man. We went to a new ear doctor last wednesday and I really liked him. He was very patient, let me talk, and asked questions to get the full history on Jack. In the end he didn't really say anything different than our old ENT but he was concerned with figuring out what exactly was growing back in his ear to cause this continuous ear infection/drainage. He said that the bleeding and all of this isn't causing damage s that was great news. He did suggest that we do Rocephin IM shots for 3 days (we did that last year about this time). So we started that on Wednesday. NOT FUN!!! The nurses up at the Peds hospital suggested to start an IV for the remaining 2 days because his little legs don't have much meat on them to get a shot in them for 3 days. His dose of Rocephin was 1.3ml so they had to split it up and give half in one leg and half in the other so a total of 3 shots in each leg for 3 days. So on the 2nd day we decided the IV would be good and we could take him home with it and then take it out the next day after the 3rd and final infusion. Well, to make the story short, that didn't work out so well. The ped nurse tried to get a site started twice and then called IV team in. Well she was a bit of a B**** (big time) and I ended up asking her to leave after she yelled at Jack to stop moving. (Yeah right...he's 2.5 and getting poked with a needle...not going to stop moving). So after hysterics and being poked 5 times in that one day, we went home. The IV team RN got written up and I filed a huge complaint!!!
So, we are doing with that. We had a great weekend visiting family. Saturday we went to Monticello for our annual family hog roast. Jack loved seeing the pigs, playing with his 2nd cousins, Luke and Colby and taking a hay ride. He wants to go back!! We got to spend the night at "more mimi's"house. (My grandma) and went to church with her in the morning. It was great to see everyone there that had been praying for Jack since the day he was born! After that and a nap, we went to Rossville for my friend Rachel's bridal shower. Headed back to Fort Wayne, stopped at mimi and papa's, jack was a GROUCH with a capital G!!! Woke up Monday morning and he felt very warm but acting fine, didn't think much about it, by naptime he was 103!!!!!!!!! Thinking what could be wrong since he just had antibiotics injected. I still don't really know what his deal was. The high fever last all day and part of Tuesday with no other symptoms and now he's fine!!! FEVER OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN!!!
Bedtime time is getting ugly. Well, I shouldn't say bedtime, I should say middle of the nighttime. He wakes up telling us he wants out and he wants to be held and he wants someone to hold his hand. It's not fun. I feel like we have a newborn again. So, tonight daddy made his bed a big boy bed and he got new red sheets and a new blanket and he can get in out and made a big deal about it. So we will see how that goes. He is telling me at this very moment he wants me to hold him and go night night in daddy's bed. AHHHHH
One funny story before I head out. Yesterday when we were laying down for nap, I rolled over to see if he was asleep and he looked at me with a bit of rolled eyes and he said, "Mommy, get out of my eyes!!" Not sure if that meant, leave me alone or stop looking at me! Nonetheless, I laughed! He is so funny!
Pictures to come soon. I have a lot of them on mimi's camera so I need to get that!
Have a great week and let's pray for some rain around my neck of the woods!!!
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