Our Journey thru Prematurity and Miracles
A couple of posts ago, we announced that I was pregnant............and unfortunatly on this post, I have to announce that we are losing the baby. I do not have a viable pregnancy and will have to have a D&C next wednesday. It all happened with an ultrasound last tuesday that didn't show everything that should have been seen, which lead to some lab test every 48 hours, showing my hcg levels were not increasing as they should and ended up decreasing=miscarriage. I do know have any signs or symptoms of miscarrying so that is why I have to have the D&C.
This has been really hard on me the past few days. I have had it in my mind that it was inevitable since Tuedsay but knowing its final really hurts. I never knew I could hurt so much over something I didn't really have..................but wanted to bad. I wanted to bad to be fat and pregnant and have a 10 pound baby!!! :-)
So, that's what's been going on. I snuggle jack a little more everyday and Thank God for such an awesome miracle!!!
Oh, and to top it off............I have a sinus infection and Matt has tonsillitis and pink eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are just a MESS!!!!!
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