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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pictures galore

Because no other title will do. ENJOY the pictures!

KING OF THE CASTLE. taking a nap today in Mimi and Popsy's bed. He looks like a newborn in a crib it's so big!

hanging out with mimi....crunching leaves
playing frisbee with mimi. he wasn't too sure what frisbee is all about.
not very fun....but it's my peony!!! i LOVE them and I am so excited to watch this little thing grow!!!!
helping mimi and popsy. don't you love the get up. thomas shoes. tow mater socks. yellow john deere t-shirt, blue baseball sweatshirt and 3 sizes too small blue puppy dog pajama pants!!!
Easter at Auntie Cindy's....popsy helping him hit the ball.

he couldn't believe that eggs were hidden by daddy's games

his new puppy "weanie" that Easter brought him.

studying the John Deere catalog
playing in his box at mimi's. He loves it. Here he is a puppy.
here he is showing me his muscles and how strong he is
and now he is carrying the box
Mimi and Jack's hiding tent. I am invited to come in every once in a while. Today I was and Jack brought us pretend pink lemonade and snickerdoodles from his trip to Target!
Back in Feb.....Jack helping Popsy blow out his candles!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

bad news that i should probably share

A couple of posts ago, we announced that I was pregnant............and unfortunatly on this post, I have to announce that we are losing the baby. I do not have a viable pregnancy and will have to have a D&C next wednesday. It all happened with an ultrasound last tuesday that didn't show everything that should have been seen, which lead to some lab test every 48 hours, showing my hcg levels were not increasing as they should and ended up decreasing=miscarriage. I do know have any signs or symptoms of miscarrying so that is why I have to have the D&C.

This has been really hard on me the past few days. I have had it in my mind that it was inevitable since Tuedsay but knowing its final really hurts. I never knew I could hurt so much over something I didn't really have..................but wanted to bad. I wanted to bad to be fat and pregnant and have a 10 pound baby!!! :-)

So, that's what's been going on. I snuggle jack a little more everyday and Thank God for such an awesome miracle!!!

Oh, and to top it off............I have a sinus infection and Matt has tonsillitis and pink eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are just a MESS!!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

pics, pics and more pics

I just wanted to add some pictures of the past week. Jack has been having fun helping PAPA build their new deck. Don't you love that he has pajamas on in all those pictures?!?! You can work hard in pajamas!!!!

Jack is really into this whole baby thing!!! Asking where the baby lives and he rubbed my belly (of course, NOT SHOWING AT ALL) and kisses it and says "he lubs her" and then when I stood up and bent down to get something he wanted to know where the baby if it disappeared when I bent over!!! HAHA!!! He really liked baby Satori. He wanted to know when it was his turn to snuggle her and he did a great job holding her and being very gentle. He is going to be such a great big brother!!!

Oh, and I forgot to tell you all that Jack's surgery to have another set of tubes in, went well!!! He had a little coughing episode afterwards that required a breathing treatment but other than that, he did great. I was telling him that he was such a brave boy and how good he did and he told me thank you and then proceeded to tell me he screamed really really loud at those girls that took him away from his mommy!!! Awwww....poor little guy! So scary to be 3.5 and going to surgery!

Also, I am not sure if you noticed on the side of our blog, but there is a new little thing called TWITTER!!! I just added that a couple weeks ago but it's kind of like a little "status" update of our family. ie) what we might be up to that day, or just a little blurp about what's going on in our life at the moment. Check it out!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Satori Isabelle

We want to say a special Congratulations to my "sister" (it's complicated) and her husband on their new baby


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