YES!!! I am the worst mother in the world. I have been so terrible at taking pictures of Jack lately. We are so on the go that there is no time for a picture. No excuse I know.
Jack has been a very busy bee lately. He graduated rooms at daycare and is now in the "big boy" room and is loving every minute of it. He is learning how to write all his letters. He has show and tell (tell in shell...that's how he says it) once a week and that's a big deal for him. He is learning the days of the week and calendar and they have a pet fish and he just loves it! He comes home with something new in his vocab every day!!!
AND......not sure if I even blogged about this but he is absolutely 100% POTTY TRAINED!!! He has been for about 3 months but I don't remember if I posted it about it. Once he got it, he got it and that was that. Even at night. He wet the bed ONE time and that's all. The poop part took an extra week or so but not too bad if you ask me!! He loves it too. He loves picking out new undies every night and you will never guess what his favorites are........."TIGHTY WHITIES!!!" Crack me up!!!
Jack is getting very excited about this baby in my belly. He talks to "her" a lot and wants to know what "she" is doing. He always says '"she" is playing with pooh toys in my belly. He asks "her" what "her" name is all the time too. Usually "she" responds, JESSIE! HAHAH!!! I have no idea where that name came from. He was snuggling me on the couch the other day and Matt asked him what he was going to do when the baby came. Meaning, the baby will be snuggling me and so what will he do....and he said, "I'm going to take a shower." That's one of our things we have told him that he gets to do when he is a big brother, is take a shower instead of a bath. He doesn't like showers at all for some reason but it will give him something to get ready for to be a big brother. He also said that the baby can sleep with him when she cries. PERFECT ARRANGEMENTS huh?!?!?
We still do not know what the baby is yet. Hopefully in about 2-4 weeks. And then we still don't have a name. Matt and I can't agree on anything. He wants JILL (we are NOT having Jack and Jill....) and I want we have to continue on with the discussion and find something else. We will keep you posted.
Health wise.....Jack has been doing pretty good. His last little bout of sickies he did great. He overcame it all (fever and all) all by himself, which made us really happy. Usually he would need some medical intervention (antibiotics) but we didn't do anything this time except Xopenex and he did great. A few sleepless nights on my part but he kicked it!!!
Well, I just wanted to give you a little update. I will try to update soon with pictures!
Have a great weekend!
Snow days in Texas
6 years ago