This year Jack and Brooke want to leave Santa some chicken nuggets, cookies and carrots. And maybe some lemonade. I will see if he will go for a glass of wine too in case Mrs. Claus comes along for the ride!! ;-)

Well about 3 weeks ago we all had the stomach bug. Brooke and I never puked but the boys did. It was NOT fun. It was Jack's first experience EVER with the stomach flu and he was certainly traumatized by it. He wanted his "puke bucket" around for about a week after. Then that all turned into the upper respiratory stuff. I think Brooke and I had it the worst. Guess that's what we get for not puking huh?!!? Brooke ended up at the dr 3 times in one week. First time for ear and pink eye. Then 2 days later back because she was not getting better and wheezing. Diagnosed with bronchiolitis (RSV basically) and then back the next day because she is allergic to the meds they put her on. Then finally on Friday we tried out the chiropractor with her. Then last week I got it. Needless to say it sounds like a TB ward at our house with all the left over coughing going on!!!!!!!!
Brooke is now about 22lbs and Jack is 44 lbs. It's so crazy how they grow so fast.
New things that Brooke is doing: CRAWLING fast everywhere. Pulling to stand. Cruising the couches. Eating everything in sight. Pulling Christmas ornaments off the tree and dancing.
New things that Jack is doing: Writing ALL his letters...upper and lowercase, all numbers, spelling 3 letter words and some 4 letter words. He is WAY into art stuff right now and toy story. LOVES LOVES LOVES to dance and is learning lots of new Christmas songs everyday. He sat with my mom's pastor at their church the other day and together they were singing "jingle bells, batman smells......." Gotta love em'!!!!
That's about it for now!!!!!
from the BOWLING'S