The kiddos and I had a chance to head to Lake Erie in July to visit with my very best friend from elementary and we had such a great time. It was nice to get away from the Fort and of course awesome to see her and her hubby as well. The kids were AWESOME in the car, except for the 1 time that Jack undid his seat belt while I was on the toll road and I freaked and missed my exit and had to go about 20 miles before I could exit again. Brooke slept the whole way, both ways!!!!!!
We also attended the annual NICU birthday party. It was at our local zoo and lots of fun. Jack loved the bounce house and giraffes. They have a baby giraffe at the zoo now and she is a big hit!!!!
Brooke has just done a lot of growing this summer. She is about 17.5lbs and I have no idea how that happened!!!!! She is rolling over....and over and over and is very close to sitting up. She is also getting ready to work on the army crawl too I think. We also think she is in the process of getting a tooth or 2 but we have thought that for a while now so we shall see!! She started Physical Therapy last week to help with her neck muscles and so far she seems to be doing a great job. She will meet with her PT every week or every other week (whichever our schedules allow) and just get her back on track for a 6 month old.
I cannot believe that our little peanut Jack will be 5 in a few months. He is now 42 lbs and 42 inches. All the way from 15 ounces and 11.5 inches. Does that seem possible??? He will be starting pre-K at the end of August and is more excited about it than I ever thought he'd be. He loves the structure and learning!!! He is my little Einstein!! We have been working on getting his tonsils out since February and so this week is our next try. The first try got cancelled due to Brooke being born. The 2nd try got cancelled because he was wheezing and coughing and now our next try is schedule for Aug 19....3rd times a charm right?!?!?!
Daddy update??? He started a new job this past week and so far he really loves it. He is an account manager for Power Distributing (Red Bull distribution) and he gets to travel around all day. It's long hours and we need to get used to that but he really likes it and that is all the matters!!
I am still at the hospital and will be teaching again at Ivy Tech. This will be my 4 semester. Its a good little break from the hospital and a pretty good deal for 1 night a week.
Well, I think that's all for now. I can't believe my kids are growing up so fast. Does that mean we are old?!?!?!?!