Do these faces say it all??!?!?!

WOW!!!! Brooke was one busy chica this weekend.
First she started crawling on all fours on Friday and by Sunday she figured out that there were different rooms in the house she could get too all on her own
Saturday she figured out how to stand up in her bed (we had to lower the mattress)
Sunday she learned how to stand up at the fireplace (good things is a little padded on the corners)
Sunday....she FINALLY cut a tooth....just a teeny tiny part of it!!!
She will be 9 months old this coming weekend. HOW DID THE HAPPEN?!?!!?
(She was 21 lbs at her dr appt last week for an ear infection.)
JACK WAS 21 lbs at 20 months old. CRAZY!!!!!!!!
And speaking of Jack...he is one smart cookie.
He is SOOOO into spelling and writing and reading right now it's nutso. He can spell so many things:
Lindsay, Matt, Mimi, Dad, Mom, Brooke, Bowling, water, dog, cat, hat, van, toy story, klein, Jaime, Eva, Ava, Raj, Zoey, Kira (all the kids in his class at school).
He can read words in books like dog, cat, hat, car.
He is just so awesome. He loves to play school and we do it often. I am afraid kindergarden will be borning to him. Too bad he couldn't have gone this past fall. And speaking of fall..........he is going to be 5 in 3 weeks. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!?