Our little doodle princess has been very sick. She just got released from the hospital last night after spending 4 days there. She had pneumonia! :-( She started getting sick last Saturday, ended up taking her to the ER on Wednesday and they just sent up home with steroids. Then Friday I took her to her regular ped for a check up and they admitted her from there. She was not sating good and was on 3 L of O2 at one point. Pretty yucky!!!!
But I am VERY happy to say we are back home and she is SUPER excited to be back home and back on the move. It was hard for her to move with the IV in her FOOT and then the oxygen tubing.
It was very de ja vu for me because we were in the same place with Jack almost "exactly" 2 years prior......in the hospital....for 4 days.....with pneumonia! BLECK!!!!!
Us and our kiddos with icky lungs. She will probably now have to be on a daily neb of steroids which will NOT be fun at all!!!!!
and guess what else we are doing????????????
Bo-HOOOOOO!!!!! :-(
Very bittersweet!!!!
That's all for now!
sorry, No pictures this time!
Snow days in Texas
6 years ago