Hope you all had a HAPPY Easter!!!! This Easter was a lot of fun for Brooke and Jack. This is the first Easter Brooke took an interest and Jack was excited about that. After the first easter egg hunt at mimi's, she knew just what do to at our house easter morning and at great Aunt Cindy's easter afternoon. She liked Jack's eggs much better because they had jelly beans and made noise...her's were gerber puffs and didn't make any noise. LOL
Jack was excited for "Easter" to come to his house this year. After class one night I went to "Easter's" house (aka Target) for some easter shopping. He was very excited that I got to go there to tell "easter" what kind of candy he wanted and what little surprise. After I got home he asked me about it and I told him that when I got there, all the bunny helpers were making jelly beans. He believes everything I tell him. LOL I LOVE it!!!!
Jack got some cars, jump rope, puppy, etc....but most importantly....NERDS!!! That's his all time favorite Easter candy. So funny!!!!
our little DIVA
We had our first trip to a new doctor. A new specialty for us even. Brooke went to an allergist today. she has been having some skin issues and while it is exzema, there is a reason for it and the dr thinks it's food related. So after an extensive background history on her birth and eating, she got some bloodwork done to test for the top 10 food allergies. In 3 weeks we will get the results back and we will go from there. This is new territory for me, so any advice will be welcomed!!!!
Jack continues to amaze us everyday. He is so SMART!!!! He is a reading machine and he is SO excited for kindergarden. I think I need to start a calendar for him with a countdown....me on the other hand....I could cry just thinking about it. I never thought I would be like that since he has been at daycare full time since he could be. But I hate sending him into the unknown....AHHHHH!!!!!
Matt is doing great too. He is still with Red Bull distributing product around fort wayne and really loves it. He is coaching Jack's tball team and so far so good.
I am doing good too. Still at the hospital and teaching 2 classes at Ivytech. Started working out 4-5 days a week and so far I have lost 2 inches and about 10lbs!!!!! I am feeling amazing!!!!
I think that is about it from us today!
Have a great week!!!!!