Brooke will be 2 in February and she is very SASSY!!!!!! Her and Jack fight like brother and sister but she is MEAN and he is typically the sweetheart!!!! :-) She is getting a little interested in the potty so we will see how that pans out shortly! We call her our princess tomboy! She will be the softball player out on the field in a tutu!!! She loves her tutus and a purse, but in her purse are racecars!!!!! haha!!! She had her first big 'ouchie". She fell into the entertainment center and had to get 'glued' (instead of stiches). She will be our broken bones girl for sure!!!

As for me....I'm doing pretty good! I'm staying busy with work at the hospital and teaching THREE classes at ivytech. I will also be participating in the 2012 Leadership Initiative at the hospital and I'm super excited to gain leadership skills to aid in my job at the hospital!!! Also recently I have lost 50 lbs!!!!!! I feel AWESOME and I hope to lose about 30 more lbs. I LOVE going to the gym (call me crazy) but it makes me feel better and is a great stress reliever. I don't get there as much as I'd like with everything else going on.....but hopefully the new year will bring some let hectic schedules and I will be able to get there more often.
We are getting excited about Christmas (the kiddos for sure) and I'm getting excited about the new year!!! BRING ON 2012!!!! NEW BEGINNINGS!!!!
I will try to do a better job at updating now!!!
Thanks again for all the support and prayers!
Lindsay, Jack and B
p.s. new email address for you all that didnt' get the