Santa came to our house today while mommy and jack were at work!!!! On our drive home I asked Jack if he wanted Santa to come to his house and he said NOOOOO!!! Then I asked if he wanted Santa to come to his house and bring him some toys and he said "uh huh". Needless to say he was very excited but his first few presents were John Deere stuff so we had problems getting him focused to open more!!!!!
I have more pictures of tonight and our weekend but I will wait and post those. Although they are tooooo funny! So we'll keep you wanting more!!!
matt, lindsay and jack
Jack got a tractor like papa's and he was trying to get on it. Notice his feet!
the new fisher price little people nativity set!

New J.T blanket

Pretending to go "nite nite" with his new JT blanket

MORE books!!!!