Below is a pic of them sitting on the couch together. They really do play well together. And they actually PLAY TOGETHER. A lot of kids their age just play around each other but not together. They are cute. It's like they know they are supposed to be friends and be cute. haha.

This was Jack's first time around a baby really. He is around kids his own age a lot but not teeny babies. He wasn't really sure. When I first was holding her, he told me to "Clean up" and then he would tell me "all done". Quite humorous. He is defintely a mama's boy so the jealousy came out in full force.
So below is the picture of Jack holding Myah, with big sister Zoey by his side making sure he did it right. He was very sweet to Myah for the most part. He wanted to miss her a lot but then the next thing you knew him and Zoey would be throwing toys. YIKES!!!

Update on jack, well he was sick at the beginning of the week and much to our dismay....ANOTHER EAR INFECTION. he is on another round of oral antibiotics and i am not seeing anymore drainage from his ear so hopefully it clears up because if now, shots again for 3 days and we do not want that.
He is such a ham lately. he is WAY into dancing. he loves to turn the radio on or put music on the computer and dances away. he swings his arms around and around and then you will tell him to do his feet and he tap his little feet. it's hyserical!!! Still into john deere and elmo of course. He is talking up a storm. I think he says something new everyday, its just whether we can understand him or not. His new thing is to ask for a hot dog. Everytime we eat almost he says hot dog. And the funny thing is, he doesn't hardly get those that often. He has also been talking about the potty a lot, which is calls "bubble". not sure why but when you say potty, he says bubble. He sits on it occassionally but nothing happens. We are NOT pushing it at all. I know he isn't ready. Some kids at school are sitting on the potty regularly so I think that's why. His time will come, slowly but surely I know!!!
Well, I am going to get to bed. LOTS of snow tonight so early to rise to get to work on time!!!
Hope everyone is well and you all are ready for Christmas!!!!
p.s. new favorite food for the week: corn bread! he had about 5 pieces yesterday!!!
p.s.s. picture below is the all famous "oohh ohh ahh ahh" Hope we never lose him!!! (the monkey was actually mine and my roommate in college, Jan, brought him home from Florida one time!! haha)

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