Jack is doing great. He is just really growing up right before our eyes. He is defintely a toddler now. He is talking to much and just doing so much. We are really enjoying him and having fun with him. He's a very silly guy too.
Today we had a little playdate with Zoey and her baby sister Myah. Jack cried for about 15 minutes before they got there, at the front door.....whining for "Ceedo" (which is what he calls Zoey). It was very pathetic and then once she got there he didn't play very nice. He forgot how to share and so there are a few toys on the refrigerator (that's where they go when toys don't know how to play nice with Jack). He likes to guard his turf!!! He, on the other hand, was very sweet and nice to Myah. He really liked giving her his stuffed animals and he wanted her to have a blankey too.

Also, FYI, I will be posting a blog soon about the "March for Babies" walk for the March of Dimes. Start thinking and planning if you are interested in being a walker with us (Jack's Joggers) or if you would like to donate. The walk is in Fort Wayne on april 26th at 9am.....MARK YOUR CALENDARS.
And last but not least i have to post The Bowling Family as M&M's!!HAHAH!!!!

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