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Saturday, February 2, 2008


Hey everyone! I hope that you all enjoyed jack's little dance video. Hopefully I can put some more video on here. It's almost easier to take a video of him these days because he doesn't stand still long enough for a still photo.
Anyway, Jack is doing good. He had a bit of a cold and ear infection this past week but he seemed to take it well. No doctors visits so that was good. Only one call in to the doctor and we were saved!! haha!

We are going to Riley to the pulmonologist on Friday for a 3 month check up. I don't believe we'll have any changes to make. He is doing so well with the current medications that i can't imagine him wanting to change anything in the middle of winter. I expect to be weaning medications come spring though. He is still getting the RSV shot once a month so I think that has saved us this winter. Speaking of which, he gets that shot again this Wednesday (not a fun day because he knows what's coming now).

I think our only concern for this appointment coming up is his weight. Our pediatrician was okay with his weight because he gained the average from age 1 to age 2, which is 5 pounds. He is not over the 23 pound mark yet. So if that's the average then you are looking at about 27 pounds by age 3 and that just seems so small. Our poor little peanut can still wear 12 month pants but is getting too long for them but his little waist is too small for 18 months. I know I shouldn't complain and worry because he has come such an incredibly long way from birth but it's just worrisome. Eating at our house is a struggle most days and very stressful. For instance, today he ate maybe a handful of corn pops for breakfast (refused milk), for lunch he ate good, green beans (probably 10) a hot dog (probably 3/4) and maybe a half dozen dices peaches and a glass of water. For dinner he ate probably 3 pieces of sausage off of pizza and about 4 pieces of pineapple and a handful of goldfish. THE END!!!! Milk is a struggle these days too.

okay, enough about that. i have to brag a little bit now.

Jack now knows most of his colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, and Purple.
Jack also knows 4 shapes: Square, Circle, Triangle and Star.
Out of those he only says Red and Yellow and Star but I thought that was pretty good for just being 2. He is also obsessed with Diego and constantly is saying "GO DIEGO GO!!!"

Also a cute little thing he did the other day: The got out his doodlepad and was drawing little dots all over it and i asked him what he was making and he told me they were PEAS!!! isn't that hilarious?!?!? PEAS!!! He loves peas!

Down below is just a picture of jack eating breakfast the other day....on his J.T. of course
Today Jack's friend Kaden came over and we ventured outside in the snow. It went a lot better than it did last time. Jack wouldn't get out of the sled last time, let alone touch the snow. He actually liked it today but he wouldn't leave his mittens on so it didn't last all that long.

Also, please see on the right hand side near the bottom that i have added some links to some other sights I like to visit. There is a website of another preemie that I would love for you all to read. It's called "Confessions of a CF husband" It's about a family that the wife has cystic fibrosis and they just had a 24 weeker and the mom is very sick and the father keeps this blog going and it's amazing!!!

Also, if you have a chance anytime, anywhere, there is a song by Matthew West called "Safe and Sound" and I would love for you all to take a listen to it, or at least read the lyrics.....

actually I am going to find the lyrics right now and post them because it's amazing!!

Here they are: "Safe and Sound" by Matthew West

Can't believe you're hear now

Tiny dream come true

The answer to my prayer now

I'm so in love with you

Couldn't wait to meet you

Hope you like your name

I get the funny feeling

Life will never be the same

Safe and sound

You're here with me now

Like I hoped you'd be

Safe and sound

You're here with me now

And that's all I'll ever need

The world's a scary place here

But Baby it's alright

I'll make sure the coast is clear

So you can just sleep tight

But if you're afraid of monsters

Like everybody is

I'll be right beside you

Closer than a kiss

Safe and sound

I'm here with you now

And you will always be

Safe and sound

I'm here with you now

And that's all you'll ever need

Someday I'm gonna teach you

The reason why we pray

So that Heaven's love may reach you

Every single daySo,

Baby close your eyes now

And say a prayer with meLord,

I lay me down to sleep now

But I know I will be

Safe and sound

You're here with us now

And we will always be

Safe and sound

You're here with us now

And that's all we'll ever, all we'll ever need

You're all we'll ever need


CFHusband said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Jack is a Dancin Machine!!!! I'm so sorry to hear about his weight and eating issues. I think that most toddlers are like that at the table, but it's no fun to mess with an underweight child's weight. So I feel you there. Do you give him PediaSure? I'm sure that if you asked your doctor for a script, you might be abel to get it through your insurance. And I'm so sad to hear that Jack had YET ANOTHER ear infection. GGRRR!!! you've got to be getting so sick of those. I gotta go take Q to therapy. Thanks for updating :) -Sarah