First of all, I want to say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you mommy's out there. I hope each and every one of you get to do something a little special this weekend.
I'll start off our update with Jack's ear doctor appointment on Friday. It was short and not so sweet. I happened to see Dr. R in the hall at work on Friday afternoon so we had most of our appt in the hallway and when we got there he just wanted to look in Jack's ears. Since the left ear has been infected since the tube was out, we will now be putting it back in. So on May 15th Jack will have yet another surgery on his ears. They are going to put T-tubes in this time (the permanent ones) and so hopefully his helps!!! My poor little peanut. I know it's a simple, easy procedue but i hate that he has to go through it AGAIN. And now he's older and smarter and he knows when something is up. When i pull into the parking garage at the pediatrician he knows and tells me, "all done go bye bye" before we even park. Breaks my heart. So..........we will defintely keep you posted post-op.
Now onto the fun stuff. THE WEEKEND!!!! we've had a good one. After the ear appt we went to Jack's cousin, Jake's baseball game and Cousin "abba" was there. It's always good to see them. Then abba came over for a while since we were getting rained on and abba gave jack a bath and abba played and abba even put jack to sleep. we just love abba!!!!
Today was a great day as well. We started off running a few errands and as soon as we got in the car at 8am Jack informed me he wanted to "deat dot dog, peeees and lellow n daddy" Translation: i want to eat a hot dog, peas and banana with daddy. Actually lellow can be just about anything. it could have been corn or crackers or noodles,....anything. Well, daddy was in Warsaw working so that was going to happen, nor were we really going to have hot dogs for breakfast. So we went to mimi and papa's and had coffee cake and oranges. hahah. After that we went to a few garage sales. Jack wanted a bus. A lellow but of course. We didn't find one. Then I got a call from a friend of mine that Lowe's was having a mother's day craft for kids. Of course dads were supposed to take the kid to make something for mom for mother's day but daddy was working so alas, i took him. We made a cute little picture frame that has a cut out hammer, saw and screwdriver. Way cute. Way fun and they have it about 2 times a month. He got a little workers apron and googles and then when he was done he gets a patch to put on his apron for each thing he makes. it was just the cutest thing ever!!!!!
Then we went home and napped for 2 hours......
Then we went to lunch with daddy........
Then we went to Menards with mimi and bought seeds and plants and flowers......( I am going to try my green thumb for the first time. Not only with flowers but with tomatos, cilantro, onions, jalepenos and strawberries)
Then mommy came home and made a big mess in the yard with daddy. We pulled up about 8 bushes/shrubs in our front yard and just made a huge mess. That wasn't really my intention at 4 in the afternoon but we had a good time. I let jack get dirty (WAY TO GO MOMMY) and he loved it. Our front yard is going to be great. There was a bit toooooo much out in front and heck, we have already cut down about 15 trees in the backyard too.
Anyway, Jack's now asleep in our bed and will have to be transferred to his bed shortly. What a fun day.
okay, i will add some from this time last year. i love to see how he has grown!

May 2007
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