We have been having a great time with the fall weather. We had a little family get together for Uncle Jim's birthday last weekend and got to spend some time outside. Jack got to help daddy with the leaf blower and then Uncle Jim showed him some cool tricks with whiffle ball and the leaf blower (see below). Jack thought that was amazing!!!

Today we went to Aunt Angie's church for "trunk" or treat and Jack actually had a great time. He wasn't too sure of some costumes but once we told him what they were and explained everything he was all right. We told him about MIMI the witch before we went so he knew what to expect and he was A-ok with her as a witch. He wanted her to paint her face pink though! HA!

I don't think I have much else to update on. Jack has been very healthy so far this fall. His ears are so much better since we have switched doctors and we have new ear drops . We go next week for a culture. He still has some drainage but not like it used to be. THANK GOODNESS!!! We don't have to go back to the lung doctor until the end of January so that's awesome news. He has his eyes checked again in a few weeks to make sure his glasses are working well. He got his flu shot last week and he cried for abtu 2.2 seconds and then wasn't really sure what happened. The office had us in and out in less than 5 minutes so he didn't have much time to think about it. Then he wanted to show daddy his owie and couldn't figure out what leg it was on so it wasn't too traumatic for him.
He is loving school more and more each week I think. He is starting to get excited about things he does at school. Last Thursday when I picked him up he told me he ate "monster goo" and it took us about 10 minutes to figure out what monster goo was. With lots of "ummmms" and it's green and apples and then finally it came out "I dippy on my apples" They mixed marshmallow fluff with cream cheese and put green food coloring in it. So guess what we made at home this weekend!!! He has learned his ABCs and can say them all by himself. He can count to 15. He knows all his color in sign language and they are learning to count to 5 in french. He is doing good with shapes and learning how to use the mouse on the computer. So I would say all in all he is doing AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great week and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!
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