Mimi, Popsy, Daddy, Mommy and Jack headed out bright and early (8am) to Connersville, IN (Popsy grew up there) to take a ride on Thomas the train. Jack has been anticipated this day for a VERY long time. (We bought the tickets in Feb).
(Side note: i picked him up one day from school and he always wants to go somewhere after school. He asked where we were going, I said home. He said, no, I want to go to June. I was thinking of everything he could have possibly been talking about. I finally asked all the right questions and he meant he wanted to go to June, as in the month, so that we could see Thomas. I think this was in like April or May!!!) So June the PLACE to him, not the MONTH)
Anyway, we got there about 15 mintues before we board the train and when jack saw Thomas "thundering down the line" he was sooooo happy. He started waving his hands really fast and said, "I'M SO CITED (EXCITED)" I had never heard him use the word before. He said it about 3 times that day. It was well worth every penny for him to be that excited.
So we took a 30 minute ride on thomas the train and did some of the other activities they had. It was just a really great FAMILY day for us!!!