I will have to make several posts about South Haven because there are so many pictures I want to share. And you all knowing my organized self, I will have to sort thru them and post accordingly.
So here's to many.........the puzzle pictures.
First let me explain about why South Haven. My Grandma (More Mimi to Jack) rents a house on Lake Michigan every summer for ALL of us to spend time together. I believe this is our 6th years (please correct me if I'm way off). All of her kids stay with her all week and then the grandkids and their kids come up sporatically throughout the week when they can. 3 years ago when we went, I got the stomach flu......BAD and jack

Anyway, every year we do puzzles. I HATE PUZZLES and I have actually never joined in the puzzle fun until this year. When I got there they almost had all of the sailboat puzzle done( 550 pieces) and I became obsessed with getting it done because I wanted to do the next one. So I finished the sky. I HATE THE SKY!!! The next one was the carnival one (550 pieces) and again, I got stuck with THE SKY!!!! And before I left I wanted to get the outside of the winter one done (1000

Even Jack had a hand at helping. There were two pieces stuck together for the longest time that we actually thought were supposed to be together...he did it!
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