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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am terrible

I am terrible. I have been so bad about pictures lately. Actually, if I would just get my mom's camera and download those pictures, I would have a lot to share...which also makes me bad because she took them and not me. I will do that soon....PROMISE!

attached are pictures from our most recent trip to the zoo with our friends Misty and her daughter Anna and my nieces Ali and baby Satori. We had a great time!!!

We also recently took Jack swimming for the first time on Sunday. (The first REAL time!) It was either going to be a disaster because he hated it or a disaster because he loved it so much he would never want to leave. Well, HE LOVED IT and he was so worn out afterwards that he was ready to go home for a nap. He was even jumping in off the sides and getting his face wet. I loved it!!!

All in all, Jack is wonderful. He is growing up before our eyes. I think he turns a year older in vocabulary everyday. He starts his new "preschool" room next Monday and I think he is excited. He is off and on about it but I think once he realizes most of this same friends are going with him, he will be just fine. He is still all about the baby in my belly. He likes to lift up my shirt and talk to "her" and cover my belly up with a blanket and "snuggle her". He is such a sweetheart. If this baby is a girl, he will be a genius. He has called it from the very beginning, so we shall see.

Healthwise, he is doing awesome. I actually cancelled his ear doctor appointment for today because he has been doing so good. He has had about 3 colds in the past 3 months and none of them have caused any ear drainage and that is just amazing. Our ear doctor is "the bomb diggity" ( as jack would say) We love you Dr. H!!!!!!

Well, enjoy the pictures and one of these days I will have pictures post from the last 2 months~!!!!