Well, I have decided to consolidate the 2 blogs that I was doing, into 1 FAMILY blog. It was getting to hard to keep up with both of them and so here ya go.
http://thebowling4.blogspot.com. Save that to your favorites if you so choose and I will be updating with family stuff and Jack stuff and pregnancy stuff!
Everyone is doing well. I have had a cold for about a week now and I am finally feeling like it might be going away. I hope so!!! Brooke is doing great! She is a mover and a shaker, which is a lot different than with Jack. I think he was just too small for me to ever feel him move really. Brooke is now 15 ounces (Jack's birthweight) and that is so bizarre to me!!! Jack is getting more and more excited about her I think. We have started to buy more clothes and various items for her and he likes to be right in the middle of what we are picking out. He does the snuggle test on just about every blanket and every stuffed animal we buy. It's super cute!!!
Jack is doing great. He is just growing up every second of every day. This morning we were watching some cartoons together and I asked him what he was thankful for. He looked at me weird and so I asked him again. He then told me this: "Some people don't have a house mommy, and some people don't have food and snacks to eat and they have to look in the garbage can". I just wanted to cry. That was his way of saying he was thankful for his house and having food to eat. So then we got some food around later on to take to the community food harvest. He is the most adorable thing ever!!!
We have been forunate to spend some time with family and friends lately. We went to Batesville, IN a few weekends ago to celebrate my friend Jan's wedding! Jack was a stitch dancing. He won't talk to a single soul but he will be in the middle of about 15 women and dance!!! And he favorite part was eating the gravy that went with the mashed potatoes!! We also spent a really fun evening with Uncle Jim and Kim and Ian and grandma Jenny last night. We played Wii and ate yummy snacks and ordered pizza. Those are the best nights!!!

Jan and I at her wedding reception. Jan and I have been friends for a very long time. Lived next door to me growing up and we roomed together at Purdue a few different times! I miss her a lot!!!


Jack and Mimi at Jan's wedding reception looking pretty silly

The cutest thing: Satori Isabelle (my niece)

Jack feeding the reindeer some goldfish

Jack cleaning up his gator