Jack went with Mimi and Popsy to Columbus, Ohio to see Popsy's mom and dad and brother and sister-in-law. Jack was in heaven working outside with Popsy and Grandpa (his GREAT grandpa)

Grandpa made Jack a windmill and he liked them so much he chose 2. He said when it's nice he is going to put them outside by his swingset. Super cute. My grandpa is the cutest!!!

Jack and Grandpa. LOVE THIS PICTURE

Relaxing with Popsy

Giving Grandma Lucy a kiss!

Jack and Aunt TT. They have a love hate relationship. Aunt TT just loves him and he LOVES her to love him but would never tell a soul!!! So this picture is perfect!

Jack and Uncle John
Jack also wants to thank them for his birthday money. We went to Toys R Us today to spend it and he had a hard time picking something out. But finally he chose a LIGHTNING MCQUEEN car that does 120 different things (it dances even) and he loves it. It was like magic buying it. I didn't hear a peep out of him from like 3-5pm today!!!! He was so proud to have his money and "pay it" all by himself!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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