But it's super cute isn't it?!?!?!?!
Anyway, I'm thinking about getting our bags packed too. I have this feeling that if I don't, I'll need it and then I won't have everything. So I will probably start that this week sometime. I just can't believe that I am almost 32 weeks!!!! 32 weeks!!!!!!!! I am so thankful that I have made it this far without any complications. It's defintely a miracle!!! Everyday I thank God that I have been able to keep her inside and she has been able to grow. I may finally get my fat baby I've always wanted.....with rolls and all. THUNDER THIGHS even!!! HAHAH!!!
I always have loved Anne Geddes pictures and even when I was in high school I always wanted a fat baby. Like these cute babies!!! And I got Jack. He doesn't have any meat on his bones at all....but still a cutie patootie. I think Brooke is going to outweigh him FAST!!!!!
Anyway, I'm off to the doctor again tomorrow for my 32 week check up. Might be getting my first steriod shot but who knows. Dr. High Risk likes to change his mind a lot. But....by not getting the shot, that means he thinks Brooke will cook at least a week longer!!!! We like those words!!!
More pictures to come of Jack. I left the camera at my mom's with new pictures....so keep checking in for new pictures soon!