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Sunday, January 31, 2010

getting ready

We are starting the countdown. 37 days until the big day is here.....(I just wish Dr. High Risk would let me schedule my c-section already!!!) March 9th is the target date. I know, I know, I'm not due until March 31 but with the kind of incision I had to have with Jack, they don't let you go past 37 weeks. So....March 10 is 37 weeks and my doc does c-sections on Tuesday so that's how we got March 9.....a Tuesday EARLY in the morning.

Anyway, we have been slowly but surely getting ready for Brooke's big debut. I am getting so anxious it's ridiculous. I washed all her newborn and 0-3 month clothes this weekend. (it was only 2 loads since her clothes are so small). Her room is getting painted this week sometime I think. I got the swing out of storage at my parents house. And.............I bought a new car seat and stroller. We totally didn't need one at all. It's such a selfish little gift. We still have Jack's and it's in GREAT condition and it's one thing that I told Matt from the beginning that we didn't need to get because Jack's was fine. But.........I REALLY WANTED PINK!!!!!!! And since this is my last baby and since she is a girl.........Matt said I could have whatever I wanted!!!! And it was on sale at Target and so.....I went to Target and it was the last one so I bought it!!! And now I'm selling Jack's old one!!! RIDICULOUS I tell you!!!!

But it's super cute isn't it?!?!?!?!

Anyway, I'm thinking about getting our bags packed too. I have this feeling that if I don't, I'll need it and then I won't have everything. So I will probably start that this week sometime. I just can't believe that I am almost 32 weeks!!!! 32 weeks!!!!!!!! I am so thankful that I have made it this far without any complications. It's defintely a miracle!!! Everyday I thank God that I have been able to keep her inside and she has been able to grow. I may finally get my fat baby I've always wanted.....with rolls and all. THUNDER THIGHS even!!! HAHAH!!!

I always have loved Anne Geddes pictures and even when I was in high school I always wanted a fat baby. Like these cute babies!!! And I got Jack. He doesn't have any meat on his bones at all....but still a cutie patootie. I think Brooke is going to outweigh him FAST!!!!!

Anyway, I'm off to the doctor again tomorrow for my 32 week check up. Might be getting my first steriod shot but who knows. Dr. High Risk likes to change his mind a lot. not getting the shot, that means he thinks Brooke will cook at least a week longer!!!! We like those words!!!

More pictures to come of Jack. I left the camera at my mom's with new keep checking in for new pictures soon!

Monday, January 18, 2010

30 weeks!!!! 30 weeks!!!!!

HOLY COW!!!! We made it to 30 weeks!!! I can't hardly believe it. We have had so many "goals" in this pregnancy it's crazy. First it was 12 weeks (after having a miscarriage early 2009). Then it was 24 weeks (since that's when I had Jack). Then it was 28 weeks (because that's what Jack's pulm said was his goal) and now it's 35 weeks....andthen 37 and then she will be here!!!!

I really can't believe it.

We had our scheduled appointment today. My blood pressure was AMAZING (108/83)!!!! Brooke checked out awesome! She is measuring 31 weeks which puts her at about 4 lbs. 4POUNDS!!!! That's 4 Jack's put together!!!!!! We even got to see her practice breathing which was pretty cool.

I was supposed to get steriods today but Dr. High Risk decided against it because he was positivve I wouldn't be delivering in 2 weeks! (good sign). He also thought it was a great sign that we saw her practice breathing. He said that a sick baby wouldn't know how to do that yet. He said 2 more lbs and he will be happy and she will go to the nursery and we'd have a healthy baby girl!!!

GO THE NURSERY!!! GO HOME WITH US!!!! I can't even imagine what that will feel like.

We are getting so excited I can't hardly stand it!!!!

keep on cookin' Brooke!!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I almost forgot.............

I almost forgot to share the footage of SPIKE the dino from Christmas.

A little background. He has wanted this dino for over a year. He wanted it last Christmas and we just didn't think he was old enough to have it. (it was $$$). Everytime we got to Walmart, Target, Meijer...he has to play with it. It's usually in a display case there. Anyway, on Thanksgiving we found it at Meijer $50 off so we decided that Santa could bring it for him.

We were super excited on christmas for him to open it. He was super excited when he opened it....................

and then we put it together...............

then he was terrified. Just watch the video.

Now he likes him. But the funny thing is, when Spike is turned off, his eyes close and for 4 days straight Jack wouldn't play with him becaues he was taking a NAP and he didn't want to wake him up....
HAHAH!!!! He is CRAZY!!!!!
Enjoy the pictures!!

(Brooke appt was good yesterday. She is 3lbs! Blood pressure good! Back in a week! 29 weeks!!!!!)

Monday, January 4, 2010

almost.....28 week update

We had yet another doc appointment today. It went GREAT. Brooke is measuring 28 weeks and 4 days and I am 27 weeks and 5 days......which = about 2lb 10 oz!!!!!!! Can you believe that?!?!
I will be getting steriod shots in 2 weeks and then we are looking at about 7-9 weeks for our schedule c-section. I can't believe how time has flown. (well somedays anyway). Bp was good today too!!!!

Jack is doing well. He just acts older and older everyday. He is getting excited about his baby sister I think. We got a new recliner this weekend and he rocked one of his bears in it and pretended to change diapers and take it in for a check up. He likes to go thru her baby clothes with me and asks lots of questions about diapers and bottles and all that good stuff. After the intial crooked nose, I think he will be a great big brother!!!