A little background. He has wanted this dino for over a year. He wanted it last Christmas and we just didn't think he was old enough to have it. (it was $$$). Everytime we got to Walmart, Target, Meijer...he has to play with it. It's usually in a display case there. Anyway, on Thanksgiving we found it at Meijer $50 off so we decided that Santa could bring it for him.
We were super excited on christmas for him to open it. He was super excited when he opened it....................
and then we put it together...............
then he was terrified. Just watch the video.
Now he likes him. But the funny thing is, when Spike is turned off, his eyes close and for 4 days straight Jack wouldn't play with him becaues he was taking a NAP and he didn't want to wake him up....
HAHAH!!!! He is CRAZY!!!!!
Enjoy the pictures!!

he looks like he likes his spike.
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