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Thursday, May 6, 2010


I can't believe that I just found this template for our blog. OWLS!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!

Nothing too much has been going on. We are getting into a pretty good routine with sleeping (or lack there of) and getting around in the morning, etc.

Day in the life of us: (i have to start in the evening for it all to make sense)

Jack goes to bed around 730-800pm. We lay down together, we call mimi and then he is fast asleep.

During that time, Matt feeds Brooke.

Brooke usually is in bed by 9pmish.

Then matt and I go to bed and it usually takes us approximately 30 seconds to fall asleep

Brooke wakes up between 11-12am to be fed. Usually she only takes 1 oz and falls back asleep. Usually on me because either a) i fall asleep or b) i try to lay her back down and she just cries in like 10 minutes (and YES, Jack wakes up when she cries for too long so the crying it out thing just isn't happening yet)

At around 2-3am Brooke wakes up again and it's Matt's turn. I change her, he gets the bottle ready and I am off to lala land in our bed.

I wake up at 430am to get showered and ready for work. I like to be ready by 5am (when matt needs to get ready for work) that way I can get Brooke fed again and ready for "school".

Jack has been awesome getting dressed or halfway dressed himself in the mornings. He is getting toooooo big. He isn't a baby anymore and it makes me sad....

anyway, then I make bottles, pack brooke's bag and try to be out in the car at 6am (no later than 615am).

Drop Jack off at school at 620ish then take Brooke to her class at 630ish and get her settled in and clock in at work at 650am.


Then I work until 330pm, pick up both kids and I am home by 415pm.

Dinner, etc....................START ALL OVER!!!!

We are exhausted but I wouldn't have it any other way. We are so blessed with our kiddos and I can't imagine our life any other way. Do we dream and fantasize about the days we get to sleep more than 3 hours in a row...........ABSOLUTELY!!!! HAHAH!

That's it for now. More updates soon. I will post pictures soon as well. Jack has an appointment with his pulmonologist Monday so we will update on that as well.

Have a great weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you mommies out there!!!!!