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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

a few changes in our lives

Well i've been putting this blog post off for quite sometime now but I think i'm finally ready to get it over with.

We've had a few changes in our lives lately.

the biggest change.......Matt and I have decided to get a divorce. We separated in July and our divorce was final the end of November. It has been a very amicable separation and I am so thankful for that. We are doing everything that is BEST for our doodles. We were able to do the divorce ourselves which has saved us lots of moola!!!! The doodles have done pretty good with the change and we are very thankful for that. I cannot be more thankful for the relationship that Matt and I are able to maintain for the kiddos.

Thank you to everyone for your words of support and prayers during the whole process. I know we will both be happier and we both have our kiddos at the forefront of all we do so I know that our kiddos will be just fine!!!! They are pretty amazing!!!!

another big change.....

JACK IS 6 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT?!?!?! How did that happen?? My little 15 ouncer is 6 years old and is doing AWESOME!!!! He is in kindergarden now and LOVES it. He is reading at the level of first grader and I couldn't be more proud!!! He also just started his second year of basketball is doing great! He can actually shoot this year and he gets so excited.

Brooke will be 2 in February and she is very SASSY!!!!!! Her and Jack fight like brother and sister but she is MEAN and he is typically the sweetheart!!!! :-) She is getting a little interested in the potty so we will see how that pans out shortly! We call her our princess tomboy! She will be the softball player out on the field in a tutu!!! She loves her tutus and a purse, but in her purse are racecars!!!!! haha!!! She had her first big 'ouchie". She fell into the entertainment center and had to get 'glued' (instead of stiches). She will be our broken bones girl for sure!!! We also have a new addition to our family. I got the kiddos a kitten in August. She is a giant pain in my BOOTY and I'm not a fan but the kiddos LOVE HER TO PIECES!!!!! Her name is Zulu and luckily she is super cute!!!!!!

As for me....I'm doing pretty good! I'm staying busy with work at the hospital and teaching THREE classes at ivytech. I will also be participating in the 2012 Leadership Initiative at the hospital and I'm super excited to gain leadership skills to aid in my job at the hospital!!! Also recently I have lost 50 lbs!!!!!! I feel AWESOME and I hope to lose about 30 more lbs. I LOVE going to the gym (call me crazy) but it makes me feel better and is a great stress reliever. I don't get there as much as I'd like with everything else going on.....but hopefully the new year will bring some let hectic schedules and I will be able to get there more often.

We are getting excited about Christmas (the kiddos for sure) and I'm getting excited about the new year!!! BRING ON 2012!!!! NEW BEGINNINGS!!!!

I will try to do a better job at updating now!!!

Thanks again for all the support and prayers!


Lindsay, Jack and B

p.s. new email address for you all that didnt' get the

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hoppy Easter and other shenanigans

Hope you all had a HAPPY Easter!!!! This Easter was a lot of fun for Brooke and Jack. This is the first Easter Brooke took an interest and Jack was excited about that. After the first easter egg hunt at mimi's, she knew just what do to at our house easter morning and at great Aunt Cindy's easter afternoon. She liked Jack's eggs much better because they had jelly beans and made noise...her's were gerber puffs and didn't make any noise. LOL

Jack was excited for "Easter" to come to his house this year. After class one night I went to "Easter's" house (aka Target) for some easter shopping. He was very excited that I got to go there to tell "easter" what kind of candy he wanted and what little surprise. After I got home he asked me about it and I told him that when I got there, all the bunny helpers were making jelly beans. He believes everything I tell him. LOL I LOVE it!!!!

Jack got some cars, jump rope, puppy, etc....but most importantly....NERDS!!! That's his all time favorite Easter candy. So funny!!!!

ALL OF US ready for Easter service

my mini-me

our little DIVA

OUR handsome guy

We had our first trip to a new doctor. A new specialty for us even. Brooke went to an allergist today. she has been having some skin issues and while it is exzema, there is a reason for it and the dr thinks it's food related. So after an extensive background history on her birth and eating, she got some bloodwork done to test for the top 10 food allergies. In 3 weeks we will get the results back and we will go from there. This is new territory for me, so any advice will be welcomed!!!!

Jack continues to amaze us everyday. He is so SMART!!!! He is a reading machine and he is SO excited for kindergarden. I think I need to start a calendar for him with a on the other hand....I could cry just thinking about it. I never thought I would be like that since he has been at daycare full time since he could be. But I hate sending him into the unknown....AHHHHH!!!!!

Matt is doing great too. He is still with Red Bull distributing product around fort wayne and really loves it. He is coaching Jack's tball team and so far so good.

I am doing good too. Still at the hospital and teaching 2 classes at Ivytech. Started working out 4-5 days a week and so far I have lost 2 inches and about 10lbs!!!!! I am feeling amazing!!!!

I think that is about it from us today!

Have a great week!!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I have a tballer and a princess

Jack signed up for tball tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so excited!!! He is going to be BLUE.....and team BOB EVANS (his favorite) and he is going to be #5 (and he's five.....) and he just thinks it's so amazing....AND daddy is going to be a coach on his team and he LOVES that. He has been running around singing a song about daddy being is coach and how awesome it is. LOL.

Brooke is Brooke.....a rough and tumble PRINCESS!!!! Ornerier than cat dirt and can throw a fit just like a little diva......She is HELL ON WHEELS!!!!! But I wouldn't have her any other way!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

2 posts in 2 days......WHAT?!?!?

I thought I'd give you a little update on the kiddos, since that's who we all care about anyway...hahaha! Jack: He has been AMAZINGLY healthy all winter and so far this spring. We started new allergy meds and it seems to be working. We also signed him up for kindergarten......WHAT?!?! He is SUPER excited and can't wait to learn!!!!! He is doing great in school/daycare right now. His teacher has a pre-K cirriculum and he is up to 45 sight words he can read and he is doing great sounding words out. You never realize how silly the english language is until you teach a kid to read. He is into writing, drawing, reading, and spelling and that's about all we do in the evenings. So thankful it's getting nice outside so we can start playing outside. Jack did basketball for the first time this winter and really enjoyed it. He did great socially but didn't really like to touch the ball. He just liked to run. The last game the ref picked him up and he dunked the ball. It was so great!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was so proud and right afterward he ran straight to daddy!!!!!!!!!! This spring/summer he will be doing tball for the first time, so we are looking forward to that! Brooke: He has NOT been amazingly healthy this winter. She has had a few bouts of bronchiolitis and ended up in the hospital at the beginning of march with pneumonia. She has had numerous ear infections, got tubes in january and has done a little better since then. She is doing a better job fighting the infections off on her own. She is a WALKER now and gets into a LOT of trouble. She doesn't care about the word "No" and she doesn't care about getting her hand smacked and she doesn't care about getting her butt tapped......she doesn't like you to take her away from what she is doing wrong....she would rather run away when you get up to go get her and laugh. She is CRAZY!!!! She loves outside!!!! She loves to play with Jack and ALL OF JACK'S toys!!!! She loves to play with his cars but she still likes to love on her baby dollls too!! We are all looking forward to the warmer weather and playing outside!!! Pics to come!!! We are going to our first baseball game of the season today. GO TIN CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Hobby!!!

I have started a new hobby.....

making hair clippies!!!!

I know....I I have time for that right?!?!

being a mommy

a wife

work full time

teach 2 classes at ivy tech

trying to go back to school


and making hair clippies!!!

It just started as a simple cost effective way to make some for Brooke and it turned into this obsession.

So I started a little store on facebook. It's called:


(thanks to my cousin Laura for thinking of the cute name!!!)

So.....log on facebook and check out the page..........PLEASE!!!!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the sickies

Our little doodle princess has been very sick. She just got released from the hospital last night after spending 4 days there. She had pneumonia! :-( She started getting sick last Saturday, ended up taking her to the ER on Wednesday and they just sent up home with steroids. Then Friday I took her to her regular ped for a check up and they admitted her from there. She was not sating good and was on 3 L of O2 at one point. Pretty yucky!!!!

But I am VERY happy to say we are back home and she is SUPER excited to be back home and back on the move. It was hard for her to move with the IV in her FOOT and then the oxygen tubing.

It was very de ja vu for me because we were in the same place with Jack almost "exactly" 2 years the hospital....for 4 days.....with pneumonia! BLECK!!!!!

Us and our kiddos with icky lungs. She will probably now have to be on a daily neb of steroids which will NOT be fun at all!!!!!

and guess what else we are doing????????????



Bo-HOOOOOO!!!!! :-(

Very bittersweet!!!!

That's all for now!

sorry, No pictures this time!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

our Cuppycakes

Just a little update on our little cuppycakes....

* 5 years old
* loves school
*participating in Upward basketball
*loves the running part of bball but doesn't want to touch the ball...he even told the ref that during a game
*LOVES his sister
*no sickies since he got his tonsils out in August (LOVE IT)
*very excited about going to kindergarten in the fall
* 44 inches
*49 lbs (first time I heard that Jack is gaining weight too fast.......WHAT?!?!)
*getting that mouthy 5 year old attitude
*loves to spell, write and color
*had his first kid/friend birthday party

* 11.5 months old (how did that happen?)
* just got her first set of tubes (ears) today
* has been sick a lot this winter
* LOVES her big brother
* loves her popsy
*loves sitting on daddy's shoulder
*can sign "more" and "please"
* can say "dad-dad"
*weighs 23lbs
*finally sleeping thru the night and is awesome at it!!!
*still only has 2 teeth
*on whole milk
*only 1 bottle a day