Just a little update on our little cuppycakes....
* 5 years old
* loves school
* loves school
*participating in Upward basketball
*loves the running part of bball but doesn't want to touch the ball...he even told the ref that during a game
*LOVES his sister
*no sickies since he got his tonsils out in August (LOVE IT)
*very excited about going to kindergarten in the fall
* 44 inches
*49 lbs (first time I heard that Jack is gaining weight too fast.......WHAT?!?!)
*getting that mouthy 5 year old attitude
*loves to spell, write and color
*had his first kid/friend birthday party
* 11.5 months old (how did that happen?)
* just got her first set of tubes (ears) today
* has been sick a lot this winter
* LOVES her big brother
* loves her popsy
*loves sitting on daddy's shoulder
*can sign "more" and "please"
* can say "dad-dad"
*weighs 23lbs
*finally sleeping thru the night and is awesome at it!!!
*still only has 2 teeth
*on whole milk
*only 1 bottle a day
I read your story about your wonderful son Jack on the "Friends of Maddie" website and I could not stop crying! I can't imagine everything you've been through, and you truly are inspirational! You have a wonderful family! :)
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