Birth: 15 ounces 11.5 inches long (not on the charts of course)
1 month: 1 pound 4 ounces
2 months: 2 pounds 4 ounces
3 months: 4 pounds 4 ounces
4 months: 6 pounds 1 ounce
5 months: 8 pounds 3 ounces; 20 inches
6 months: 10 pounds 6 ounces; 21 inches
7 months: 11 pounds 8 ounces
8 months: 13 pounds 6 ounces
9 months: 14 pounds 12 ounces; 25 inches
10 months: 16 pounds
11 months: 16 pounds 6 ounces
1 year: 17 pounds 15 ounces (still not on the charts)
15 months: 19 pounds 8 ounces; 29 inches
20 months: 22 pounds 1 ounce; 29 inches (Finally on the charts at 3rd percentile for weight and not on the charts for height)
2 years 9 months old: 26 pounds; 34 inches (5th for weight and finally 3rd for height)
I just can't believe how much he has grown and everyday he continues to amaze us. By what he can do, by what he can say (good and bad...haha) and that he is so healthy (considering). He is awesome.
We haven't been doing much lately but we did head the local fair last weekend and Jack loved it. Of course I didn't have my camera with me but he was so cute. He was obsessed with the horsies and now he wants one at his house. He wasn't too fond on the big fat pigs but loved the piglets. He rode on a kiddie ride (train) all my himself and he was so proud of that. Then we went on these purple dragon things that are like the teacups at disney. Horrible idea. I'm too old to be spinning around in circles like that. Jack even told me that he wanted to be all done. HAHA! All in all, he had a blast. All the animals he could imagine and tons of John Deer Tractors. He was in heaven with that.
I have attached a few pictures from today. Enjoy! And I will be updating more when Jack gets his "sassies" They should be in at the end of the week. The first ones we ordered were on back order for at least 4 weeks so we had to find another pair we liked. Wish us luck!

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