I got the call yesterday that his glasses were in, so after school we went and picked them up. He was actually excited about them and let the lady fit them on his face. When it was time to leave he just jumped up and ran to the door. They didn't phase him much at all. On the way to my mom's house he hardly touched them. At my mom and dad's he messed with them a bit and then when he was playing rough he fell and the nose piece hit his nose hard and he told us "All done sassies" Awwwww. Once we got home he didn't mess with them once. Matt actually took them off to clean them for him and he told his daddy "NO NO sassies on" So he is doing great. He thought he was cool stuff to put them in his case at bedtime and he was excited to put them on in the morning. He is doing such an awesome job and we are so proud of him!!!! Here are some pics of our little man with his new sassies! 

Jack with his Godmother Jaime. She was lucky enough to be a superhero in this picture!!!
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