I have posted a ton of pictures from all the festivities the past couple of days. Christmas was so awesome this year because Jack was really into it. He knew that Santa was coming on "wednesday" when he went to bed. That's his favorite day of the week for some reason. I was lucky enough to have the whole week off of work and Jack and I had a great time. On Thursday we had a terrible ice storm which left us without power from Friday morning until Saturday night. And since Matt and I are so smart......we didn't have a key to our front door (we just put on a new handle and lock on our door and hadn't taken a key yet) So Saturday we had to hire a locksmith to get in. Although the power came back on about 3 hours after the locksmith came, it was worth it. Jack's meds were in the house and we were told we wouldn't have power until Wednesday. Thank goodness Mimi and Papa had power, because my sister was without as well (until the 23rd). After Christmas on Sunday at Mimi and Papa's, Jack and I never left the house until Wednesday (bad idea....Walmart on Christmas Eve????!!!)
Enjoy the pictures. I hope everyone had a wonderful, memorable Christmas. God BLESS!

Jack opening presents at Mimi and Papa's house

"Miser Tato Head"

playing with his Christmas blocks....I can't keep this child dressed

Jack in his "white beater" as he calls it! HA!

Christmas with Jack's Godparents and our great friends, Bob and Jaime

Jack got a John Deer Build-a-bear-in-a-box. He named him Frank. HA!

Santa's "dinner" that Jack made. 3 cookies, a frozen chicken nugget and his sippy cup with water in it. When we were going to bed, he told me not to forget the yogurt.
The video above is him first walking down the stairs on Christmas morning. The video below (sorry it's sideways for a bit) is a little after. He asked is he table was a cake. HA! Because he had a Thomas the Train cake that looked like a track for his birthday and it was blue and green. He is so imaginative!

opening presents on Christmas morning. He was a little smartie pants and we are going to have to be careful next year. I had some wrapping paper of my mom's and he said, "Mimi has that wrapping paper. That present isn't at Mimi's anymore!" WOW! So Smart!

2 thomas the trains that are exactly alike. how dare Santa!!!

opening Yo Gabba Gabba guitar from More Mimi

Getting ready to open More Mimi's present


playing his guitar!

We had to open the rest of his presents for him because he couldn't NOT play with the train table. And we were worried about not enough things to open!

look at his mouth..."Choooo Chooo"

WOW!!! Do you think he has enough trains??? Don't worry, he didn't get all those from Santa. He had a lot of them before.

Hugging Daddy because "I love Santa Claus, Daddy!"
After opening presents, Matt and Jack and I headed to IHOP (the only place opened) and had some breakfast. We came home and played train table and took a 2 hour nap!!!!! Then headed off to Uncle Jimmy's house for some yummy food and good company. We got to see Grandma Jenny too. She loved her present (Jack painted her a mural!!!). He was ready to go home because he "missed his Thomas the Train Table!!!" He is never going to want to leave home!

Me playing guitar hero at my brother-in-law's. I'm addicted....Shhhh!!! Don't tell anyone!

Jack playing Guitar Hero with the big boys (Cousins Dakota and Ian an Daddy)

Now Jack's playing the drums. (not plugged in!)

i love his face while he's looking at those "same same" trains as kaden would say! he's thinking 'what the heck was santa thinking getting me 2 of the same thing!?' i'm glad you guys had a great christmas! we did too :) hopefully i'll get on top of things and post some pics of our festivities soon!
oh and i love the treat he left for santa! when you txted me that i told some people at christmas with cheryl's family and they were cracking up!
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