I just thought I would post the last of the holiday pictures. I finally stole my mom's camera to download all she had so I could post them. ENJOY
These two pictures (above and below) are pictures of Jack opening a VERY special present from his GREAT grandpa. (my dad's dad). My grandpa makes things like my dad (ie:Santa rocking chair we have) and my parents have a wooden nativity scene that he made. Jack is obsessed with the sheep that come with the nativity scene. Well, Great Grandpa found out about that and so he sent Jack his very own FLOCK of sheep. 18 to be exact. All shapes and sizes and colors and spotted. They are awesome!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GREAT GRANDPA! WE LOVE AND MISS YOU!
Making cookies with Auntie Ang. That lasted for about 3 minutes (2 minutes and 30 seconds longer than I thought it would). He isn't a big fan of icing or chocolate. Only SUGAR cookies!!! That's ONE thing he takes after me on and NOT Daddy!
Just a random picture of present time with my sister (on the couch) and my nephew Darek (blue sweatshirt) and Me and Matt's leg and Jack's head! :0)
Jack with is beloved THOMAS THE TRAIN TABLE!
AND AGAIN.......
New Year's Eve with his cousin Jake at an IPFW basketball game. Sorry bad pic of Jake but he NEVER has his eyes open in pictues.
eating a hot dog with papa at the basketball game
dinner on New Year's Eve with Mimi and Papa. Jack put a pepper shaker in Mimi's tea. Mimi thought it was funny...Mommy and Daddy.....not so much!
"Papa, don't kiss my mimi. It's my mimi!"
ice storm 08. Mimi's tree in her front yard. Luckily we only lost power for 36 hours and were able to stay at my parents. My sister and her family didn't have power for 5 days and many other people a lot longer. We are fortunate everything and everyone was okay thru the whole ordeal. We didn't know for sure how long we were going to be without power and we just put a new lock on our front door.....neither one of us put the new key on our key chain............so.....LOCKSMITH TO THE RESCUE. and 3 hours later the power came on. No regrets. Jack's medicine inside is worth more than that!!!
no explanation needed!
homemade donut balls(holes) that Mimi made for New Years day breakfast. His eyes look like he just ate the whole plate full!!!
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