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Friday, February 6, 2009

home sweet home

Oh it's so good to be back home in our own beds. We got home around 7:30pm last night after Matt grabbing Taco Bell and Jack and I getting meds at Target and toys that I had been promising him for everything good he did in the hopsital. I AM NOT OPPOSED TO BRIBING!!!!

It was a long three nights and 4 days in the hospital and they are still pretty confident he had pneumonia. His oxygen sats wouldn't stay up and so they did another chest xray yesterday and it looked the same as Monday, indicating it was defintely pneumonia. Dr. said that his chest xray would have no change for 6-8 weeks after pneumonia. Jack was also on oral steriods for 3 days and OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! HE WAS PSYCHOTIC. THE DEVIL CHILD. I think on Wednesday he probably screamed, kicked and cried for a total of about 5 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT KIDDING!! He would be fine and sweet one second, whining the next and then just darn right mean the next. It was terrible. And to top it all off, Matt was home sick the first two days with the intestinal bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

So, home and off the steriods thank goodness and back on all his inhalers and an antibiotic with a follow up in 2 weeks!!!!!

Thanks for all the prayers!!!