Jack also had a great time on Thursday and Friday at school with Valentine's parties. They made and decorated cookies for Matt and I and made cards and then exchanged cards and treats. He talked about it for days....still is actually!
Saturday we were lazy in the morning and then decided we were going to try to take Jack to his first movie at the theater. It didn't go as good as I thought but he wasn't terrible. He just didn't want to sit still and kept playing with all the seats. He wasn't loud or anything. We took him to see hotel for Dogs because he just loved the previews on TV all the time and those little dogs you got in the Mcdonald's kids meals......maybe a cartoon will be better....when we try again next year!
And then today we did laundry ALL day and cleaned. Daddy was awesome and did all the errands and grocery shopping for me and Jack and I had pajama day!!!!
So all in all, a great weekend!!!!! Hope you all did too!

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