First a health update: As many of you know, Jack got his 5th set of tubes about 2 months ago. They are doing pretty good. They are doing what they are supposed to do, drain! However, that's just it, they are still draining icky gooey gross goop!!!!!
We headed to an allergist at Riley about 2 weeks ago and had some "real" allergy testing done. Jack had the 30 pricks on his back done (which is hated of course) and all of those came back negative. His blood tests results came back negative too. That would have been the easy answer.....he's allergic to dust mites.....clean your house!!! HAH!! So then they tested his immune system. They thought that maybe his immune system was just not up to par. They also tested his immunization titers to see if he just needs a boost of one of his vaccines.
I got those results today and much to our dismay, everything is fine. I know that sounds terrible but we just want an answer to why in the world he has so many upper respiratory infections. They did say that his pneumococcal titer was a little low but not necessarily abnormal for a 3 year old. We are going to go ahead and get him a booster of that vaccine.
Tomorrow he goes in for a cat scan of his sinuses. They are going to be checking for blockages and structural abnormalities and to see how this past sinus infection has cleared up with a 20 day round of antibiotics. I just hope that we find an answer from this. If not, I'm afraid we will end up with a PICC line and IV antibiotics. It stinks that he is healthy as a horse otherwise, he just keeps getting these upper respiratory infections that make his ears terrible and cough like a horse!!!!!!
So, we will keep you posted on what happens from here on out with that.
Fun update: Jack started soccer a few weeks ago and it's going pretty well. He doesn't know many people so he is VERY shy. Last week he actually kicked the ball and ran........but he was holding one of the coaches hands. AHHH!!! He was supposed to have practice tonight but we stayed in due to the rain. His first game is Saturday morning so we shall see how that goes. He talks very fondly of it but once we get there, he shuts off and gets shy and sad. It's good for him though!!!
He is still absolutely loving school! He is obsessed with letters and learning how to spell things. He can spell his name and he can spell the first half of lots of people in his classroom. It's hilarious. He can also spell Jeep and he thinks he knows how to spell Mimi, but he always just says, "I I" HA!
And speaking of Jeep, we sadly got rid of Matt's beloved orange jeep. We were just putting too much money into it and the gas mileage was ridiculous. We traded it last week and I finally got my mini van!!!!!!!!!! a 2008 Kia Sedona. I am finally a SOCCER MOM!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack does too. I think he likes all the back room all to himself!!!!!
Yesterday we took our first longish trip in our van. Grandma Jenny, Jack and I headed up north to see Aunt Kimberly. We got to see her baby chickens, rabbits and a bizillion baby kittens. We made some yummy cookies then headed to the most "awesomest" greenhouse ever and Grandma and I spent lots of money on lots of cool flowers. I LOVE SPRING!!!!!!!!! We had a great day and we are looking forward to doing yard work this weekend and making our yard flower-ful!!!!!
Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the pictures below. The first one is of the March of Dimes walk a few weekends ago and then 2nd one is of Jack's first soccer practice!!!!

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