Last Saturday he played soccer in the morning (100% turnaround...NO CRYING) and afterwards he went home with daddy (i was working) and ate and took a nap. A few days prior he had a bit of a cold but nothing crazy. During his nap he started breathing funky and retracting. Daddy gave him his "puffer" and that was that. By the time I got home he was breathing in what looked like a "wave" pattern. Typically your lungs and stomach simultenously got up and down together, well Jack's stomach would cave in and then his lungs would puff out. It was freaking me out. I woke him up and he acted fine. He wanted to run around and we wouldn't let him. Then we sat down and read books and he could hardly say 4 words at a time without taking a breath. That really freaked me out. I gave him another "puff" and contemplated the ER...........BUT HE WAS ACTING PERFECTLY NORMAL. We held off. Long story short.......I got some xopenex in him for about 1.5 days and he was good as new. Not sure if all that funky stuff was due to the cold or due to him running around AIMLESSLY during his soccer game the whole time. Either way, he is better.
Wednesday we went to the ENT to get the results of the CT of his sinuses. Good and Bad news. CT didn't show anything funky (that's my word today huh?) or any tumors of any sort. It showed that he had some pockets of pus, indicating he was getting over a sinus infection. It showed that his ears are full of goop and it showed that he doesn't have much of a mastoid on either side (air pocket type thing behind ear that is used for "reserve" space). There were no structually abnormalities so that's good. The doctor concluded not much of anything (bad news). He still doesn't know why he keeps getting all these infections and why he has yellow goop coming out of his ear all the time. So........option 1) PICC line with IV antibiotics 2) 3 months worth of oral antibiotics 3) surgery on sinuses 4) tonsilectomy. I guess I wouldn't call all of those options..........maybe possibilities. His tonsils are BIG, not infected or swollen....just LARGE. If he continues to have true sinus infections, we would lean toward that surgery. All in all..........Dr is going to be doing some investigating and research a colleague of his and he will get back to me in 1-2 weeks. There is no immediate answer we are looking for. We are looking at long term: hearing, developing and health. He is stable and he is not struggling so right now.....A-ok.
Now onto the fun part.................PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack did GREAT at his 2nd soccer game. Probably because I wasn't there. I had to work. He was a little sad at the beginning and then went out there and was a TEAMER!!!! He ran around aimlessly the whole time. Not a care in the world. Looking at his shoes run!!! HAHAH!!! He is awesome. He even did great at practice this week!!!!
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