And this is the rest of the story:
I got sent home from work due to high blood pressure (160s/90s). I was due to see Dr. High Risk the next day but I just called to let them know it was high. He wanted to see me. My sister drove me to the appointment, and Matt picked up Jack from school. I think we all knew what was coming. My sister even made me pack my bags before we went to the appointment. Dr. High Risk had about 3 options. 1) admit me that night, draw labs, get another dose of steroids and probably deliver in the next two days. 2) do an amniocentesis and check the maturity of Brooke's lungs and go from there 3) give me a dose of steroids and put me on bed rest and come see him at the hospital for a check on Sunday. Dr. High Risk talked himself out of all but 1 option and he went with option 1. At this point it didn't really matter what Brooke's lung maturity was because I was the one that was getting sick. So home I went to get my bags, my hubby and Jack. We did stop at Applebee's for dinner first and then headed to the bank to pay the house payment!!!
So that evening they drew labs and gave me a dose of steroids.
Dr. High Risk came in bright and early and said that I could either deliver that night at 530pm or Saturday morning at 730am. Right away, I chose Saturday morning because my thought was giving her more time to cook. Matt wasn't even at the hospital yet so I said I had better wait for him. After Matt got there we just decided to do that evening at 530pm, knowing how crazy HELLP syndrome can get, very fast. My labs were trending downward (not at terrible levels...yet) and my cord flow to Brooke was dwindling and that's why Dr. High Risk thought it was best to get her out of there!
It was the longest day of my life. WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! I wasn't nervous. I was just anxious and inpatient. and STARVING!!! After breakfast I couldn't have ANYTHING. Not even a drink of water.
5pm finally came. I was weirdly calm. I walked to the OR suite and Matt waited in the post op area while they set everything up. I got my spinal and everything went well. My best friend Amy (a NICU nurse) stayed over that day from work to be there for my c-section and I couldn't have asked for anything better. She made me feel so calm knowing she was there and she was going to be taking care of Brooke after she came out. Dr. High Risk is very fast. Brooke was born at 534pm!!! She let out the best sound ever....a CRY!!!! It was music to our ears!!! The whole entire csection was awesome, calm, relaxing...if that can even be used in the same sentence as "csection". I just knew that everything was going to be all right. I knew that she was going to be almost 5lbs and that she WAS going to come home with us someday soon. I got to see her for a brief moment and then they took her to the NICU. Matt did amazing. He watched the whole thing. He can't watch me get an IV or a shot in my leg, but he watched my insides. Everything went smooth.
In post op, I went crazy. I started itching in OR like crazy and it continued for most the night. (Side effect from the spinal). Matt went to be with Brooke and my family came to sit with me. I had to stay in post op for an hour and a half and then I could go see Brooke. Matt was sending me text message pictures the whole time I was in post op so that made me feel better.
She did get a dose of surfactant and then was put on CPAP due to some retracting. I was able to see her around 7pm and we got her baptized by Pastor Dave (just as we did Jack after he was born). It was awesome! After many visitors, we finally headed back to my room. I was still STARVING and I couldn't wait to have some yummy chicken broth...haha!
That morning I got up and showered and walked a little bit. Dr. K in the NICU took Brooke off of CPAP and put her on nasal cannula and I was able to hold her!!! It was AMAZING!!!!!
Brooke updates since birth: She went back on CPAP for another day. Her lungs just weren't ready. She had to be on bilirubin lights for a few days due to jaundice. She also had 7 days of antibiotics to make sure she didn't have any infection in her lungs, making it harder for her to breath. She is now on 1L of oxygen at room air and it doing excellent on that. She is off of her TPN and is taking full feeds of 40ml every 3 hours. She had a little bout of puking after feeds but I think she was just getting used to a full belly, and learning how to burp without puking every time. She is back up to birth weight after falling to 4lbs 7oz and she has no more IV! She tried breastfeeding for the first time last night and did pretty good latching on (which is all we were looking for since she is just 34 weeks!)
Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!!!! We couldn't thank you enough!!!
Enjoy the pictures!

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