We got home with her Friday, March 5 right before noon and we have all been doing great. A little sleep deprived on my end and a little crooked nose on Jack's end but other than that, we are doing good. She already has had an appointment with our pediatrician and she gained 5 oz in 3 days so that's AWESOME!!! We have been worried about the amount of food she has taken in but it seems like she is doing good. She does sleep about 3 hours at a time but between the grunts and squeaks, I never sleep!!! We need to rearrange the sleeping places and hopefully that will help. Right now, she sleeps in the playpen downstairs and I sleep on the couch so that I can feed her and then pump every 3 hours but that means NO sleep. So I think tonight she will be in her room that way when I hear her I don't HAVE to get up unless I know she is waking to eat. We'll see how that goes. Matt's not a huge fan yet so it might not happen.
Anyway, all is well. I will be posting more pictures soon
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