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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jack's birthday day

We had a great day for jack's birthday today. First we started out at his 2 year check up and everything checked out just fine. Although he is only 4% on the charts for weight, he did gain about 5 pounds in the last year which is the average for a toddler so the doctor was pleased with that. He is about 13% for his height!!!
After the appt we went to pick up Zoey from daycare and headed to "It's playtime". What an ordeal getting 2 toddlers in carseats at the same time. I know have a better appreciation for mothers of multiples!!! Zoey and Jack just crack me up. It's like they know they are supposed to be cute together. They were walking down the hallway holding hands and making everyone that walked past smile and giggle. They hugged each other all day and it's so cute because they are the only two two year olds that i know that actually play together....not by each other.
after Playtime we went to lunch and they ended up eating a ton because they were feeding each other. What a great concept!!! i just need to borrow a 2-3 year old for mealtimes everyday!! hahah.
Jack giving Zoey a hug


Mommy and Jack going down the slide. WEEEE!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Well, tomorrow is the big day! Tomorrow our little peanut will be 2 years old! It's so hard to believe. I didn't think I would be emotional about him turning 2. I was with him turning 1 but he had only been home for 7 months and everything was still so new. All the emotions were still so fresh. But Jack turning two is just so amazing and awesome!
Jack amazes us everyday and puts a smile on our faces constantly. He is such a joy to be around. Don't get me wrong, he is naughty sometimes and throws his 2 year old tantrums but he CAN!!!! And that's what's really awesome!!! That after all we have been through, 133 days in the NICU and vented for 3 months.........HE CAN THROW A FIT!!!! HE CAN JUMP UP AND DOWN ON THE COUCH EVEN THOUGH I TOLD HIM "NO" 100 TIMES!!! he's just so awesome!!!!

Matt and I thank God everyday for the awesome miracle he has created!!!! JACK MATTHEW!!!

So, tomorrow jack will have his 2 year check up and then he will be picking up his little girlfriend Zoey from daycare and they will be going on a cute little date to "It's Playtime" (a cute little indoor play place). And then they will be going to lunch together!!! cute. Along with a few other friends as well!!! It should be a really good day and hopefully i'll be able to post some pictures tomorrow evening!!!



(above)Jack, right after he was born. 15 ounces. 11.5 inches long. 11.28.05

(below) Jack on his 1 year birthday. 17 pounds 8 ounces 29 inches long

Jack on his 2 year birthday. 22 pounds 5 ounces 32 inches long!!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

more pics and jack's dictionary

Well i just stole my mom's camera so i could get some pictures off of it. she just got a digital and doesn't know how to do that quite yet so i'll just do it for her! so i will post some pictures of the march of dimes realtor's luncheon and who knows what else i will come up with.

i also wanted to share a little bit of jack's dictionary. my friend and i were just talking about how i can't understand her son and she can't understand jack but we both know what our son's are saying. it' funny how that works.

1) bup=cup

2) deat=eat

3) eeze=cheese or please or peas

4) bowwow=dog

5) nnnn up=clean up

6) J.T.= john deere

7) ummm= cookies or crackers

8) nnnn dun= all done

9) na na= night night

10) mimi= my mom

11) papa= my dad

12) wi wi= brianna (his cousin)haha

13) melmo= elmo

14) B= his blanket

15) lalow= yellow (which he just started saying this and i don't think he means yellow as the color because he says it at weird times. i'm trying to get him to get it as the color)

16) woo whee= he pooped

17) laats= lights
he also does lots of sign language. like he waves his arms around in the air which means he wants his monkey that he sleeps with.
he says lots of other things but of course i can't think of anything else that's kind of silly.
that's all for now!!!enjoy all the random pics!

p.s. i'm not sure if anyone knows this but we don't have a guestbook on here like we did the old one. on this particular website you can comment on each and every post right near the end of each post under "comment". We would love to hear from everyone!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Birthday PARTY day Jack!!

Well, today we had Jack's 2nd birthday party at our house. (Wednesday is is actually birthday). We scrambled around and got the whole downstairs painted (which was my goal) and everything went great. His theme was John Deere of course and it was just wonderful. I'll just go ahead and post pics because that's what everyone wants!! :-) Thank you to all who came. It was great to spend this special day with you all!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


The appointment with the pulmonologist at Riley went well. The chest xray showed that his heart was within normal range so no cardiologist!!!!

Wednesday he had his RSV shot appt in the morning and then an ear dr appt and that went sorta well too. His ears were clear, therefore he wanted to put tubes in ASAP. So Thursday morning Jack got tubes in again. That went well too! He's an old pro at that now!!!

Everything else is going good. He had his first tumble down the stairs. Which I know won't probably be the last but it was his first real "owey". He's okay though!

Oh, also he weighed 22 pounds 8 ounces which is the 2nd percentile and he is 32 inches tall which is about 3-4 percentile!!!

That's all for now because I'm headed off to work!!!


Monday, November 12, 2007

Riley tomorrow

Just wanted to let you all know that we are heading to riley hospital tomorrow for a pulmonary doctor appointment. It should just be a check up and getting more refills on meds, but jack is getting a chest xray. about 3 months ago he had one and his heart was a bit enlarged so they are checking on that. if it is any more enlarged, he will need to be seen by a cardiologist. So please keep us in your prayers that we won't have to add another specialist to our list!!! Also, he goes to get his RSV shot on Wednsday morning and then to the ear doctor that afternoon. hopefully his ears are still clear, in which case he will be getting tubes put back in ASAP!!! (4 surgeries on his poor little ears!!!)

We will post again after all is said and done!!!


L, M and J

putting "PAPA" to sleep!!! haha

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

March of Dimes Chef's Auction

I just wanted to tell you all a little about the March of Dimes Chef's Auction that we attended a few weeks ago. Back in the summer, Matt and I were asked to be the ambassador family for Fort Wayne, for the March of Dimes and I was very excited to do so. Our biggest responsibility in doing that, is speaking at different events that they have. The first one was the chef's auction.

There were about 10 different resturants there that had cooked up their favorite dishes and you walked around to sample. Different buisnesses donated their services or items for a silent auction and then there were about 10 items in the live auction. Jack finger painted a big framed canvas and that was the first item to be auctioned

It went for $625, bought by the neonatologist that delivered him!!!! VERY AWESOME!!!

I also gave a speech about our pregnancy, HELLP Syndrome and NICU journey. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Thank goodness Matt stayed up on stage with me, or I might have not gotten through it.

Jack did great throughout the whole night, which was surprising since it didnt get over until abtu 2 hours past his bedtime. There was a battery operated jeep there that was up for auction that kept his attention. We would have bid on it had he been a bit bigger. Maybe next year!

All in all it was a GREAT night and the March of Dimes raised $65,000!!!! Tomorrow we have another event that I am giving the same speech at. A much smaller crowd. About 100 compared to about 400!! We are looking very forward to it.

Also tomorrow, Jack goes to the ear doctor AGAIN. DOUBLE EAR INFECTION AGAIN!!! please keep us in your prayers!!



Friday, November 2, 2007

First post

Hi everyone!!!! I have decided to move jack's website to this place and hoping that it's a little easier to do. Before (at I created everything from scratch and the older he gets, the harder it gets to get the time to do it. But, for everyone that cares.......WWW.JACKMATTHEW.COM stil exists and it has the very beginning of his story on there. From 15 ounces to 22 pounds!!!!!

I am attaching some pictures from the past 2 months, including his 2 year pictures!!!

So now for a real update on jack. Well, all i really have to say is that HE'S 2 (in 4 weeks) and he is sure doing a good job "acting two". He loves to throw fits when he doesn't get his way. He is actually an angel for daddy and not so much for mommy so I might just run away! :-)

As far as his health goes, lung wise he is doing great. he has a cold right now and he is not needing any extra treatments so that's a huge relief. He is getting the shot once a month again this year, for RSV and we are thankful he qualified to get it again. Just another helper to protect him. His ears on the other hand are making us crazy. We can't win for losing. He has had his tubes out, in, out, in and out. They are still infected. He has icky stuff coming out of them still and he just went through 3 days worth of antibiotic injections 2 weeks ago. We go Wednesday so please pray that the doctor has a very good plan because i'm about done with this ear thing.

Jack is growing a bit he is now about 23 pounds and probably 30.5 inches. We actually go to his 2 year check up on his birthday so we won't know percentiles until then. We head to Riley to the lung doctor on the 13th for a chest xray and to look at his heart.

Jack is also been talking up a storm. He says a little bit of everything!!! That's the part i love about his age!!!! He learns something new everyday!!!

Well, that's about all the update I have for now. Remember, to read about his NICU days, pregnancy days and to see earlier pics, visit We will keep that up, but this website is where the new stuff will be. IT'S SO MUCH EASIER!!!!

Thanks for visiting. You can also post comments on here as well that Matt and I can read. We love that!!!


Matt and Lindsay and our little peanut butter Jack