I am attaching some pictures from the past 2 months, including his 2 year pictures!!!

So now for a real update on jack. Well, all i really have to say is that HE'S 2 (in 4 weeks) and he is sure doing a good job "acting two". He loves to throw fits when he doesn't get his way. He is actually an angel for daddy and not so much for mommy so I might just run away! :-)
As far as his health goes, lung wise he is doing great. he has a cold right now and he is not needing any extra treatments so that's a huge relief. He is getting the shot once a month again this year, for RSV and we are thankful he qualified to get it again. Just another helper to protect him. His ears on the other hand are making us crazy. We can't win for losing. He has had his tubes out, in, out, in and out. They are still infected. He has icky stuff coming out of them still and he just went through 3 days worth of antibiotic injections 2 weeks ago. We go Wednesday so please pray that the doctor has a very good plan because i'm about done with this ear thing.
Jack is growing a bit he is now about 23 pounds and probably 30.5 inches. We actually go to his 2 year check up on his birthday so we won't know percentiles until then. We head to Riley to the lung doctor on the 13th for a chest xray and to look at his heart.
Jack is also been talking up a storm. He says a little bit of everything!!! That's the part i love about his age!!!! He learns something new everyday!!!
Well, that's about all the update I have for now. Remember, to read about his NICU days, pregnancy days and to see earlier pics, visit http://www.jackmatthew.com/ We will keep that up, but this website is where the new stuff will be. IT'S SO MUCH EASIER!!!!
Thanks for visiting. You can also post comments on here as well that Matt and I can read. We love that!!!
Matt and Lindsay and our little peanut butter Jack
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