There were about 10 different resturants there that had cooked up their favorite dishes and you walked around to sample. Different buisnesses donated their services or items for a silent auction and then there were about 10 items in the live auction. Jack finger painted a big framed canvas and that was the first item to be auctioned
It went for $625, bought by the neonatologist that delivered him!!!! VERY AWESOME!!!
I also gave a speech about our pregnancy, HELLP Syndrome and NICU journey. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Thank goodness Matt stayed up on stage with me, or I might have not gotten through it.
Jack did great throughout the whole night, which was surprising since it didnt get over until abtu 2 hours past his bedtime. There was a battery operated jeep there that was up for auction that kept his attention. We would have bid on it had he been a bit bigger. Maybe next year!
All in all it was a GREAT night and the March of Dimes raised $65,000!!!! Tomorrow we have another event that I am giving the same speech at. A much smaller crowd. About 100 compared to about 400!! We are looking very forward to it.
Also tomorrow, Jack goes to the ear doctor AGAIN. DOUBLE EAR INFECTION AGAIN!!! please keep us in your prayers!!
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