i also wanted to share a little bit of jack's dictionary. my friend and i were just talking about how i can't understand her son and she can't understand jack but we both know what our son's are saying. it' funny how that works.
1) bup=cup
2) deat=eat
3) eeze=cheese or please or peas
4) bowwow=dog
5) nnnn up=clean up
6) J.T.= john deere
7) ummm= cookies or crackers
8) nnnn dun= all done
9) na na= night night
10) mimi= my mom
11) papa= my dad
12) wi wi= brianna (his cousin)haha
13) melmo= elmo
14) B= his blanket
15) lalow= yellow (which he just started saying this and i don't think he means yellow as the color because he says it at weird times. i'm trying to get him to get it as the color)
16) woo whee= he pooped
17) laats= lights
he also does lots of sign language. like he waves his arms around in the air which means he wants his monkey that he sleeps with.
he says lots of other things but of course i can't think of anything else that's kind of silly.
that's all for now!!!enjoy all the random pics!

he says lots of other things but of course i can't think of anything else that's kind of silly.
that's all for now!!!enjoy all the random pics!

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