This weekend was Jack's "girlfriend" Zoey's, little sister Myah's 1st birthday party!!! It was a great time and I can't believe that Myah is one already!! She is such a cutie!! So laid back and handled the commotion very well!
Here she is waiting patiently for her cake to come out!

She is telling everyone that she is "ONE!"

Looking very excited to dig in (although she didn't too much (without some help))

Zoey, Jack and Grace, posing for a picture. We asked them to stand together for a picture and they ended up standing there for like 5 minutes. Too bad they aren't that good all the time! HA!

Eating cake. Notice Jack's the only one eathing WHITE cake. He "not like chocolate"

Myah riding her new Zebra bouncy toy! (Jack in the background having a fit about something, notice his glasses are coming off!)

Jack and Zoey in the basement playing pool (get all the balls out and "loll" them to the other end and put them in the pockets)

They found it quite hysterical. See Zoey laughing like crazy!

Now they are laying on the floor talking CRAZY talk and Zoey is laughing so hard, from her toes up!

Then Jack decides it's time to get up!

Zoey doesn't really want to!

Then they decide to be "kitties" MEOW!

then the kitties go up the stairs! Good bye!
Those two kiddos are absolutely CRAZY!!! Absolutely inseperable at school and I'm afraid are going to get in trouble when they grow up!!! They crack me up!!!

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