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Friday, November 14, 2008

Fighting Illini vs. IPFW Mastadons

Today started off like any other day that I had off work. We were lazy in bed til 8 and then played. I really wanted to get some cute pictures of him today and start thinking about a christmas card picture. Well he wasn't be cooperative and these next 5 pictures are what I got out of him. He likes to be silly in them and then wants to look at his "silly face" on the screen when we are done. So BEWARE OF THE CHRISTMAS CARD PHOTO!!!!

So after we ate breakfast. WAFFLES and banana yogurt (yes it's baby food. He is obsessed now because he had it when he was sick a few weeks ago and now it's like his new fav. Nothing wrong with that. It has 150 calories in it!!!) we got around and went to the IPFW vs. Fighting Illini girls Basketball game. My cousin, Patick, is one of the assistant coaches and my aunt and uncle were going to be in town and I thought Jack would like it. And he loved it!!! He was an angel. Going to the game (starting at 2pm) meant that he wasn't going to be having a nap and I was more than worried about that. He lasted actually until 8pm whichout much of a meltdown. Awwwwww....WAY TO GO JACK!!!

Here he is playing with Great Aunt TT on the bleachers with Bob the builder!

Climbing down the bleachers with papa. He wanted to go to the way top, up in the sky!

Mimi and Don the Mastadon. Jack is absolutely frightened of mascots. This one was no exception. He had a major FREAK OUT. He wanted to leave. He wanted that "elephant" to leave. ETC ETC. So Mimi went to "hug" him and get her picture with him to show Jack he was a nice "elephant" NO LUCK!

Here is Aunt TT and Jack eating a hot dog together!

Aunt TT telling Jack that the coach was yelling at the players. HA!

And finally here is Jack with Don. It was like an intervention. The Mastadon was nice enough to take us behind the bleachers and take her head off and show Jack that she was just a lady inside with legs and arms and it was just a costume like his tiger halloween costume. He still was weird about it but MUCH better. He now won't stop talking about that " big Giant elephant" and he wants to "see her again on wednesday!" HAHAHA

And finally at the end of the game we got to see our cousin PATRICK!!! Way to go Illini. 64-44!!!! It was great seeing them and we hope to see them all again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!