Jack was officially born at 12:12 am on the 28th. Matt got to see everything and I got to see him for a split second and he was whisked away. We did get to hear a little tiny cry and that meant the world to us. All I could hear was "15 ounces" So I asked Matt how many pounds they said. He then had to tell me that there were not any pounds. He weighed only 15 ounces. The neonatologist told us he had a 75% chance to live. 75%!!!! I'd take that any day. There weren't many complications during my surgery. Recovery took a bit because my blood pressure was all over the place. Matt, my parents, his mom and our pastor went into the NICU after Jack was stabilized and he got baptized. He was baptized at 3:12 am. I was so impressed with all the reports I was hearing on our son. His 1st APGAR score was a 6 and his second was an 8 (highest you can get is a 10).
Jack's birthday party was great. He had a wonderful time and recieved lots of nice gifts. He was excited about everything!!! We were all excited to see family and friends we haven't seen for a while. Thank you all for coming out!!!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes for Jack.
Tomorrow is his 3 year check up with the pediatrician. Any guesses on how much he will weigh??? or height???
He weighed 24 pounds 2 ounces and 34 inches in May....maybe that will help you guess.
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