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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pictures Galore

HELLO!!! We have pictures galore!!!

First updates: Jack is doing well. We went to his "2nd opinion" ear appointment this afternoon and I really liked the new ENT. He spent time with us and actually listened and pondered and asked us lots of questions. Unfortunately, his answers were somewhat like we have heard, although not exactly the same. He would like to find out exactly what's growing in his ear and why we can't get rid of it. He did say that there should be no permanent damage done to his ears from all this drainage. He is not having any central nervous system symptoms or systemic symptoms so it's just a bug back in the middle ear and mastoid that have taken hold of the whole ear. The new doc didn't see why we were going back and forth on basically two antibiotics when there seemed to be no change from them. He did, however, order Rocephin IM shots for 3 days. TERRIBLE!!!! So Jack is getting a shot in each leg, for 3 days. They numb the thigh with "freezy spray" and then they actually mix the medication with Lidocaine because it hurts so bad. He was a trooper (as much as to be expected). He didn't want to walk when we came home and then later he told Matt and I that his leg was broken. POOR little guy! If he only knew he had two more days left. AHHHH!!!! I think it probably felt weird and numb more than anything but Tylenol helped too I am sure. So....after these three days and 2 more week we go back and he will culture to see what is growing. So all in all, an okay prognosis/diagnosis/osis osis!!!!

Other than that, no more doctors for a while. He did start his new room at daycare on Monday and he had a great time. It was weird going in there and all the kids are towering over him and he seems soooooo little. He didn't seem that little in his old room. Although, his weight was 27 lbs 4 oz today!!!! YAY! Coffee cake and pancakes for breakfast and sugar cookies for lunch is really paying off!!!!

NOW for pictures!!! ENJOY!

A few weeks ago when he had the "sickies" Laying on his daddy's pillow

decorating Mimi with his Thomas stickers

Jack in the corner at mimi's. I know so mean to take a picture but it was hysterical

Jack wanted to take a picture of his two favorite trains (for the changes a lot) so I thought I better post them on his webpage. Duncan (left) and Toby (right). HAHA!

Jack wanting to take pictures so he can look at them on the camera. So here is one of Jack and I!

Jack being silly. Blowing his nose on a sticker. WEIRD KID!

Today he helped PAPA work hard and build like BOB the BUILDER!!!
look at that face. all business

i absolutely love this one. down and dirty!

Using the screwdriver

out come the POWER TOOL!

look at him hold the screw in place

Working hard!

sitting inside the finished product! YAY PAPA AND JACK!!!! GOOD BUILDERS!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jack's 3 yr pictures

I know it's a bit early to get his 3 year pictures taken but we really wanted to do summer pictures.

Click on the link below to take you to the site where his pictures are.

Please post a comment on which picture(s) you like the best. We are having a hard time picking out the 8x10 we want!!


(more updates and my pictures taking coming soon)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

NICU birthday party

This weekend was the annual NICU birthday party. We have been able to attend for 3 years and each year get more fun (now that he is older). It has been at the zoo each year and that's very fun. This year the theme was SPORTS so of course Jack wore a MICHIGAN shirt. I know, i know. It's not Purdue but we have to rotate with daddy. The size we have now is Michigan and we have PURDUE for the next size up. haha!

So, we had a great time at the party and were able to visit with some very special nurses that took care of Jack. We also got to see one of Jack's roommates in the NICU and it was so good to see him. And of course, ZOEY was there (jack's girlfriend) and he was screaming for her the whole time. "Hey Zoey!!! Are you?" They are inseperable.

Jack enjoyed the zoo as well. Of course he liked the water part and then we rode the train and the merry-go-round (with daddy) and he kept saying he rode on the frog but it was really a tiger. HA!

Enjoy the pictures!!!

p.s. Jack's still doing great with his glasses. Not taking them off for any reason. He doesn't really even like them off when we change clothes or when I have to clean them every other second! WAY TO GO JACK!

Jack and Zoey
Jack in one of those inflatable Jumpy things

Jack and Zoey eating birthday cake

Jack and Daddy after going thru the mist pond

Jack on the "big" toot toot train

Jack playing in the water

Jack and daddy lookin at the monkey
Where is mommy in all this???

Saturday, August 2, 2008

SASSIES (glasses)

I got the call yesterday that his glasses were in, so after school we went and picked them up. He was actually excited about them and let the lady fit them on his face. When it was time to leave he just jumped up and ran to the door. They didn't phase him much at all. On the way to my mom's house he hardly touched them. At my mom and dad's he messed with them a bit and then when he was playing rough he fell and the nose piece hit his nose hard and he told us "All done sassies" Awwwww. Once we got home he didn't mess with them once. Matt actually took them off to clean them for him and he told his daddy "NO NO sassies on" So he is doing great. He thought he was cool stuff to put them in his case at bedtime and he was excited to put them on in the morning. He is doing such an awesome job and we are so proud of him!!!!
Here are some pics of our little man with his new sassies!

Jack with his Godmother Jaime. She was lucky enough to be a superhero in this picture!!!

so studious!

Being silly