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Sunday, December 14, 2008

What's on our Christmas tree?

I have been wanting to dedicate a post to our Christmas tree. Jack is very proud of his Christmas tree this year. He worked very hard helping decorate it and putting the ornament on just so. A girl I know has a post on her blog every Wednesday called "What's on my tree Wednesday". I am not good enough to remember to post a new ornament every Wednesday so I thought I would do one big post on it!! I will try to give a little history on the ornaments if I have any or if I remember....This will be a good quiz for me.

This is a wooden block with star shaped Santa's on each side that my grandpa made for Jack 2 years ago. We have 2 of these, the other is red.

This is one of Jack's very first ornaments. He had this hanging up in the NICU. First it was on the bulletin board outside the NICU on his name and then he hung on his bed, almost until he went home.

We "believe" in a lot of things. MIRACLES especially!

My mom and dad gave Matt and I these our first Christmas together and I always hang them together on the Christmas tree

Jack just got this one from Mimi the other day. He knew right away that he had his name on it.

This one will always make me laugh. It's just a styrofoam ball that is painted. Jack for the past 2 years has been terrified of it. He wouldn't even touch it or come close to it. I don't know if it was a texture thing or if it was just scary to him. And then the hook fell out of the top of it once and he flipped out. Hysterical!

The BOWLING snowman family.

This is one of the 2 dinos that we bought last week at Macy's when we went shopping with Jack's cousins (Audrey, Ali and Abbey) I was so excited about them because they were so cute and 40% off and then we got home and I couldn't find them anyway. I was so sad. I looked everywhere. Then Jack and I went outside to hang up lights and Jack found them on the floor of the garage. They somehow got hooked to my velcro on my coat and fell off.

This one used to be my moms. She has all kinds of wooden ornaments that are from nursery rhymes. And of course I had to have the "Jack and Jill" one.

EEEEKKKK!!! I know, I know, I went to Purdue, but Matt's a big Michigan fan so I let him have ONE michigan ornament on the tree. FUNNY STORY: My brother in law is a big Notre Dame fan and Jack and I were at their house the other day and he looked at his tree, saw a Notre Dame ornament and asked if it said "Michigan!" FAMILY RIVARLY!

This was given to me about 10 years ago by my favorite pharmacist of all times, Leslie P.

Just got this one this year. A cookie "B" for Bowling!

Not very Christmas-y but my mom got this one for us when we got married.

My Grandma gave me this star fish. She used to go with us to Florida every year so it was a great reminder what great times we had there

One of Jack's first. a JACK-IN-THE-BOX! How appropriate. I lost it for a year and found it inside of a stocking. Glad it's found

The other dino

Kind of blurry. It's the gingerbread Bowling family

Jack on a choo-choo train! New this year from Mimi

Jack's very first homemade oramanet. The NICU nurses made this for us when he was in the hospital. He was about 3 weeks old when this footprint was made.

And last but not least, snowman holding a JACK-IN-THE-BOX!! one of Jack's first (that was lost for a year)

Jack is very excited about Santa this year. It's so awesome this year because he actually "gets it". He thinks that Santa works with Papa and they are going to make a train table and then Mimi helps the elves paint the train table. I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait until Christmas morning!!!!!