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Monday, November 30, 2009

almost 23 weeks

I had another doctor's appointment today. ALL IS GOOD!!!! It's still a baby girl! :-) The cord flow was great. Heartrate was 149bpm and she was moving around a lot. They didn't do measurements but she should be about 1 pound. I am scheduled to see Dr. D again on the 10th and Dr. High Risk on the 14th but will probably just keep the 14th appointment. My blood pressure was PEFECTION 120/70!!!! Dr. D seemed pretty confident about how well I am doing. He said if cord flow continues to go well, we could probably do every 2 week appointments. We will see. He said he knows that I know what to watch for and of course if any problems I would be there in a heartbeat. We are reaching the point where I had Jack (24 weeks 4 days) and it's just bizarre to me. I NEVER had a belly with Jack. I NEVER looked pregnant with Jack. I LOOK pregnant with Brooke. My dad even just stares at my belly like I'm a weirdo!!! I HAVE to buy maternity clothes. I WANTED to with Jack. It's all just so completely different and I'm loving every minute of it!!!!


Shannon Hyden said...

I'm so happy for you! Sounds like everything is going super! Have a happy holiday!!!
